The parable of, "We've already had open contact but don't understand it ... within two years, we should see our real ostensible controllers so we can deal with them appropriately"

Alien intelligence test 101

Full video on youtube

My definitions:

  • ostensible controllers = human governments

  • real ostensible controllers = bad space aliens

  • true ostensible controllers = good space aliens (aka Earth’s Co-Creator-Oversoul collective consciousness group)

  • the One controller (no ostensibly needed) = Originator-Creator-Oversoul (OCO)

I think Clif is correct that “local politics” (aka Earth-solar-system related concerns only) is a distraction to the true issues of totality-reality.

Clif’s larger force not spoken of, is the hidden “space aliens” in another dimension manipulating us mentally, while their human minions called “government” manipulate us physically.

I suspect the Earth divine experiment is a microcosm of the macrocosm issues of ALL dimensions, realities, universes, etc … (what I like to call totality-reality)

Originator-Creator-Oversoul (OCO) is working out something in human history that the majority have ZERO clue and/or awareness about. I have some ideas, but nobody understands it all.

Most likely possibilities for our simulated reality & experiences:

  1. Something to do with the traditional idea of a war between God and Satan, perhaps a simulation to prevent that war before it happens?

  2. Or, perhaps a simulation to “cure” the thinking of some beings that already rebelled?

  3. Perhaps a simulation to train some for this war, that has yet to happen, like training in a fighter jet simulator?

  4. Other possibilities come to mind, but these are the likely ones, given their heavy emphasis in ancient texts showing these recurring spiritual themes throughout all of known human history

If Clif is correct, there will be some sort of obvious “open contact”, whether literal aliens holding a press conference on the white house lawn, OR something more subtle (yet still rather obvious).

An aside:

A Christian take on aliens, AND ALSO Mandela effect, and Satan’s “little season”.

Full video on youtube

Some of my take on these topics can be found at the blue links below:

  1. Aliens

  2. Mandela Effect

  3. Satan’s little season

C [The Light]’s commentary on Clif High’s ideas.

Original video on youtube

Jean Nolan’s take on the long march towards the end of “Satan’s little season”, although he describes it in terms of plans that have been published by the “ostensible controllers”, decades ago.

Original video on youtube

Jean Nolan’s 3 part series documenting the world domination plan & manipulations, going back to 1969.

1969 part 1

1969 part 2

1969 part 3

End of aside

In the opening video, Clif High’s data seems to indicate that the next few years will unveil some major revelations about his so-called “space aliens”. I think he is correct that some major reveals are coming, along with continued misinformation/disinformation & misdirection/distraction from the colluding governments, regarding this subject.

ALL governments are captured.

If you doubt it, review the C-19 nonsense here and explain why NONE have been brought to justice, nor is the vaccine genocide widely known, accepted, and dealt with.

Even Trump simply ignores his MAJOR part in the C-19 nonsense and Americans just overlook that fact.

It seems supernatural mind control has the masses captured. If Jason Breshears is correct, cataclysmic resets happen every 138 years; apparently, the next one is due in 2040, and Jason says something like “aliens” happen in 2046. Many theories, and I am open to many possibilities these days.

I think the controllers know all about these things and intend to simply continue the “bread and circuses” until the reset happens, however & whenever that happens. Here is my current working theory about it all, which I regularly update.

Combining the 4 numbered points at the top of my post, I suspect our human ego mind comes from a pre-physical existence, where we had some part in a rebellion against the ultimate “authority”, aka God, whom I call Originator-Creator-Oversoul (OCO).

We are here to cure any erroneous way of thinking, train our spirit/soul/body in our simulated reality, which is like a war simulator, like fighter jet simulators, for example. Life is like a game, so remember to have some fun, but it’s also like a war, so prepare/train for war too.

The real war is not here yet, but we may soon get some hard practice even in our simulated reality. But winning the real war probably happens after physical death. Have you prepared for it?

So, to keep it simple, merely remember:

  1. Cure

  2. Train

  3. Fight

From my human perspective, it would be nice to end the simulation entirely, after my physical death. However, my “SophiaChristos Co-Creator-Oversoul collective” might have other ideas.

There may be others trapped here who need more time to escape the clown, who controls much of the “Adam & Eve” simulator.

So, perhaps we awake-ones might let the reset happen, and then we become the true ostensible controllers, under OCO only. It is voluntary continued service, after we are done our human experience. An analogy might be sort of like some nations have compulsory military duty, such as for 4 years, after the age of 18.

Our time on earth is like this military training & service. After you have done your duty, you can voluntarily choose to remain in the military, or you are released from all obligations and do whatever you want, start a civilian business, work part-time in military and part-time civilian work, reserves, etc, etc ……

Unlike human armies, there is NO hierarchy or blind obedience at the next level, but rather trust (which is lacking in this world) commands & motivates, along with love, truth, and liberty.

Possibly OCO will stop the resets and work more openly and honestly with humanity, or perhaps the hidden reset aspect needs to remain to truly and permanently fix things.

The so-called “Anunnaki aliens” (ie Clif’s space aliens) used evil trauma-based mind control conditioning during early human history & development. I suspect OCO requires that be fixed, one way or another.

The whole world will have to come to a proper understanding of the true freedom constitution.

Otherwise, I say the Metrons can do their job. Humans, really, don’t have anything to do, once you become “Kirk”.

In edutainment, there are always “good aliens” versus “bad aliens” themes, hinting at the wider issues.

In so-called real life, are people primed into uniting under a staged alien invasion scenario, like president Reagan famously said?

If such happens, it would be a false flag operation, because the colluding governments already work with & for the “aliens”. But, remember who is really in charge, even above them.

The intelligence test here is my covid-19 page. If you can accept the truth on that page, you are well on your way to seeing through any alien bullshit. If you dismiss it all without any good refute, you will fall for the alien bullshit.

There is only ONE absolutely 100% certain test regarding so-called aliens, only ONE test you need to apply to prove whether or not any aliens are on the side of OCO, however these beings may manifest. If Clif’s “space aliens” pass the test, you can trust them. Otherwise you cannot.

The below post about Clif’s Ontology ideas hints at this test, but I do not specifically lay it out clearly.

But if any of my curious readers contact me directly through chat, I can try to explain.

Ending with another Clif High video:

Original video on youtube

Clif’s gist is: a form of “divine intervention” is coming (ie space aliens). I agree. The world is too far gone for humans to fix things alone.

I am not even sure that taking the time to develop “psi” capabilities is enough. I suspect we will get more instant help, deal with the bad “space aliens”, and take our time to cultivate psi powers later.

Bottom-line: There can be NO freedom or progress, as long as the bad “space aliens” are allowed to keep fucking with humanity.


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The Unveiling Parable
Chapters (& interpretations) from my longest parable titled, "The Unveiling: the story of open contact"; also, other general "alien-type" posts will be in this section. Dedicated domain for my novel -->