The parable of the negative entities feed on us
Tempers flare when the Enterprise crew and Klingons are pitted against each other by an alien entity. This episode is from Season 3, called “Day of the Dove”.
The “evil” Klingon Kang represents our so-called “ego” mind. Let’s associate this with the left side of our brain. The “good” Kirk represents our “spiritual” mind. Let’s associate this with the right side of our brain.
The left and right sides of the brain communicate through the corpus callosum. When both sides of the brain communicate well, with a good connection across the corpus callosum, then they can see holistic truth, as Kang and Kirk communicated and discovered both sides were being manipulated by a non-human entity.
Only when in a balanced state between left and right sides of the brain, we can discern our negative consciousness entity (NCE) enslavers (traditionally called demons, Archons, etc…). That is the message of the episode.
To defeat the NCE, Kirk and Kang simply stopped fighting each other. So, we need to stop fighting between left and right brained thinking patterns, and both sides of the brain need to cooperate in a balanced way.
Kirk and Kang even started laughing at the entity, that lived off of their negative emotional energy, manipulating them into wars. Can anybody say Hamas, Ukraine? How about WW1 or WW2? Can the human race laugh together at the NCEs, once we discern their manipulations?
If we cannot discern the Archons, we can have WW3. That seems to be what the dark occult ruling class are trying to manipulate the world into, as they follow the so-called prophetic Bible script that the god of this world, the devil, has mind controlled humanity with for thousands of years.
Even if you don’t consider yourself a Christian, the subliminal, subconscious, programming is still there that mere humans cannot stop what “god” has predicted. It’s relatively easy to predict the future, when you can manipulate situations and people to make it happen.
Everybody has heard various theories about Armageddon and WW3 over Israel, which Rothschild money funded the creation of Israel in the first place. Don’t you think the dark occultist rulers, manipulating the nations from behind the scenes, just might have an agenda? Out of their created chaos comes their forced order. Problem-reaction-solution. Create the problem, let the reaction cause chaos, then force the solution, which is a worldwide Coviet Union. Just don’t comply. Did you comply with covid nonsense? If not, great. If so, just stop.
Don’t expect politicians to act like Kang and Kirk, who actually communicated, realized what was going on, and cared enough to actually work together to stop the fighting. The politicians and the system works for the alien entity/entities, some literal reptilians pretending to be human, as David Icke says. David sounds less and less crazy, with time, as his predictions from decades ago are coming true. He has done extensive research and knows a few things.
It is up to each individual to unite within their own hearts, Kirk and Kang within each person, putting things together, coming to knowledge and understanding. Then be courageous enough to share & communicate this knowledge to others, as you have ability to do. When the masses stop the infighting, and realize who is the real enemy (ie the government, who work with literal NCEs), and work together to stop complying/cooperating with the slave masters called government, then true freedom can manifest. Don’t be afraid to say the word FREEDOM!