The parable of, "The BAR must go, Gandhi style"
As lawyerlisa shows, the Orwellian persecution is ramping up. But does she realize ANYTHING coming out of the BAR (British Accreditation Registry) is just British made up crap?
None of the BAR’s legal nonsense has anything to do with divine freedom given to ALL men and women. Their entire nonsense legal system is 100% against divine law (aka natural law).
But being a lawyer herself, I suspect she would desire a slightly better crap legal system, rather than full freedom for all. I’ve heard it said that it is impossible to convince somebody of the truth, when their paycheck is dependent on NOT understanding. I used to be in a high paying “profession” too, killing people with vaccines and other drugs.
I used to work as a pharmacist, only slightly less murderous, the Big Pharma cult, than the legal cult. But I quit that disgusting, murderous, cult, and she can too!
The parable of, "The Revolution of Natural law"
Gandhi dispensed with British nonsense effectively, but I’m not sure it will work in our place and time. Perhaps.
Really interesting Gandhi’s logic at the end of the clip, as to why the English would simply leave India, which they eventually did. If the 8 billion masses of earth did the same (ok maybe down to 5 billion now because of the deadly C-19 vax), then where would the controllers retreat to?
I have ideas about that……I can reply in return comments, if any are interested to know where I think they can all go.