Original video on youtube

Gregg Braden spends the first few minutes describing our simulated reality and how it is becoming a mainstream idea, not considered crazy anymore.

At about 9 minutes into the video (video time jump does NOT work on mobiles), Braden talks about a prime Creator and prime earth. But he goes on to say that ancient texts claim “they” created humans, NOT the prime Creator created humans. Created beings creating created beings seems to be a BIG problem for reality, probably explains why our universe-reality is so screwed up.

This idea exists in the Gnostic mythos, where Aeons (beings something like angels but higher) were engaged in divine experiments, seeding life in the cosmos, and creating intelligent beings; they did this from the pleroma (a type of heaven), without ever actually leaving this space. Normally, Aeons also created life with the cooperation & support of their gendered partner, because Aeons were sort of male and female pairs, what I like to call, Co-Creator-Oversouls (COCO).

Aeons also voluntarily worked with the Originator-Creator-Oversoul (OCO), aka Father God, aka the Most High God, NOT to be confused with the creator father god of the Bible and other ancient texts, who is actually the father of lies (John 8:44, KJV) and the god of this world only (2 Corinthians 4:4, KJV).

Again, according to the Gnostics, the creator god of the Bible is actually the devil, aka Rex Mundi to the Cathars, a Gnostic sect hunted down and killed by the Catholic church, because this knowledge was too dangerous to the institutionalized church’s control. Religion cannot have the masses knowing that it is the birthright of every wo/man to be able to discern the true Originator-Creator-Oversoul (OCO) of totality-reality from the lesser creator god of the Bible.

Why? The church wants to keep people confused & passive, thinking they need some external authority & hierarchy organization to know OCO. They make money this way and maintain relevance and control. If the institutional church is successful at usurping people’s sovereignty in this way, then they can also openly be brutal psychopaths (eg burning at the stake, genociding peaceful Cathars, etc…), acting like the creator god of the Bible, especially the Old Testament god, and people accept this as proper godly behavior.

No wonder the world is so screwed up, after thousands of years of this type of crap. The controllers are more sneaky these days with their manipulation and control tactics, but the mind control is even more powerful. If my readers doubt it, why do Americans support Trump despite the truths in the below post?

If my readers can’t accept the truths in the above post, then for sure DON’T CLICK THE BELOW BUTTON (he said, knowing they just gotta do it then).

Trump connection to non-human entities

If people think that the psychotic and open religious persecutions of the past can’t happen in modern times, they don’t understand human psychology as well as the controllers of the world, nor do they understand that the same psychopaths have been ruling the world for thousands of years.

Below is the proof that these statements are true, because the worldwide deception is proceeding nicely.

In light of the above Trump & Covid posts, Americans should be enraged at the president instead of supporting him, proof they are mind controlled slaves; they continue to support vaccine genocide in general, and their own continued enslavement.

Unless of course, Americans can give some sort of intelligent refute to the TONS of evidence provided in the above Covid post; then I will take my words back. But they can’t, they don’t want to, and they won’t ... at least, I see ZERO evidence of such, so far.

Therefore, I am correct that the world, led by mind controlled America, will probably follow the secret ruling psychopaths until they can openly do the below meme again.

Anyway, back to Braden’s intro video and some more theory about reasons for our simulation.

As the Gnostic mythos goes, the Aeon Sophia wanted to create life independently of her partner Christos, and also independently of OCO’s preferences & protocols, for reasons not totally clarified. Although nothing is strictly forbidden in the pleroma, this was not considered wise. Nonetheless, Sophia did so and created independently.

Perhaps that is why Sophia is called the “wisdom goddess”, because she lived the prodigal son parable, in her own way, as we all do, and learned some wisdom through experience. Sophia left the pleroma, becoming a prodigal, morphed into the earth, to literally become our sentient earth, aka Gaia-Sophia.

Below, Jason of archaix on the prodigal son

Tony Orlando singing the prodigal tune:

As I said in the opening paragraph: “created beings creating created beings seems to be a BIG problem for reality, probably explains why our universe-reality is so screwed up”. But reality apparently would NOT be as screwed up as it is IF Sophia had consulted with her partner and co-created together, along with an “authority” (ie OCO) that can be trusted. Subtle message for the world today, methinks.

Who can cooperatively work with others these days, voluntarily following love/truth/liberty ideals? And what “authority” can be trusted now, since the covid crap?

Do you think RFK Jr. is an “authority” who can be trusted? After decades of experience suing Big Pharma for their evil practices regarding drugs and vaccines, you would think RFK Jr. would demonstrate consistent intelligence about such matters, instead of the waffling we see below:

Video #1:

RFK shows he knows about the total criminality of Big Pharma regarding vaccines, showing some intelligence.

Video #2:

RFK demonstrates that he knows the CIA intentionally overthrows democracies, and the CIA has much experience keeping the masses divided against each other, instead of uniting against the real enemy, government slave masters (my words, not his), and that psychological tests show most people just blindly follow human “authority”, no matter the harms caused by “following orders”.

RFK also says there are ZERO constitutional exceptions to force medical treatments, including vaccines, for ANY reason. I’d say so far so good, except, why does he still seem to think we need secret agencies like the CIA and vaccines can still be good, as long as voluntarily taken?

Video #3:

Nonetheless, RFK also claims he is NOT against vaccines (despite he knows about vaccine criminality), and also claims he WILL force vaccines on people, under certain circumstances (despite that fact it is unconstitutional) and this is called cognitive dissonance mind control.

He goes on to praise vaccines, in general, and he seems proud about being vaccinated himself, AND proud that all his children are vaccinated.

Despite true things politicians will say sometimes, whether or not RFK knows it, he still supports slavery. He may be under mind control himself and not fully realize his contradictions.

The reality is, ALL drugs cause harm by way of side effects. Therefore, ALL drugs, including vaccines, cause harm. Hence, each individual has the right to decide what to put inside their bodies, and NO SO-CALLED "AUTHORITY" HAS THE RIGHT TO DECIDE FOR YOU!

America was founded on the idea of 100% freedom from ALL "authority". She started out with cognitive dissonance, because the founding fathers still supported minarchy, and now Babylon the great has fallen far. Anarchy, as correctly understood by Mark Passio, is the only moral position, when it comes to the slavery of government.

If you think somebody must be in control of you and everybody else, that is evidence of moral confusion and mental immaturity. Inability to control yourself is usually what leads to such a state of mind that defers to the state (pun intended).

Read this link HERE to learn about the Biblical word pharmakeia, from which we get the word pharmacy, which means sorcery.

At the bottom of that link: “Combining these contexts, the exact meaning of pharmakeia isn’t crystal clear, but neither is it completely obscure. There’s no sense that Scripture uses terms such as pharmakeia in reference to supernatural powers. Instead, biblical “sorcery” seems to be about abusing drugs for idolatry, recreation, and/or oppression of others”. (hmmm, have drugs like vaccines been used recently to oppress people???)

“By thy sorceries (ie pharmacy, aka drugs like vaccines) were all nations deceived (deceived about government benevolence and AIX control)”. (Revelation 18:23, KJV)

Aren’t ALL nations still suppressing the truth about C-19 crap, and covering the scandal up the best they can?

Full video on bitchute

I include the above video for consideration. It is another creative take on a deeper backstory about our simulated reality, unprovable claims with NO evidence, so take it as you wish. Does the narrator have good intuition, or just good imagination to make shit up? Up to my reader, to decide, of course. :-)

I can only say that I resonated with some of the above video, and he DOES mention “pharmakeia” later in the video, so I thought it was interesting.

Below: archaix’s creative take on a deeper backstory about our simulated reality, provable claims with TONS of evidence (if you follow archaix’s deep research HERE)

Anyway, I keep getting distracted from my main points about Braden’s intro video, getting distracted by my anger at abusive “authorities”. So, back to it.

At time spot 12:20 minutes (video time link does NOT work on mobiles), Braden speculates about what could end our simulated reality. He mentions two likely possibilities:

  1. Running out of memory space for the simulation

  2. Some sort of corruption, like a virus

Note: Braden goes on to talk about John Wheeler, which I have a post about this man HERE.

I suggest both of Braden’s speculations will happen. Our truman-atrix reality eventually runs out of memory AND ALSO our individual awakening corrupts the already corrupt program and it gets destroyed, birthing a new Aeon, in the likeness of our spiritual parents Sophia and Christos.

Think of OCO like grandpa and the god of religion like a psychotic stepdad that Sophia eventually got rid of.

At time spot 21 minutes (video time link does NOT work on mobiles), Braden talks about war being a constant theme in human history. I agree that the complexities of war, reasons for, the righteousness of such, if there is such a thing as a just war, etc, etc … is an important understanding to come to or you WILL NOT ESCAPE THE SIMULATION UNTIL YOU DO!

That previous blue link talks about the non-human entity war with OCO, and how humans are involved in that outcome.

Your next stop could be the lake of fire, so make your choice a good one!

P.S. Addendum to Braden’s war theme(s)

Report From Iron Mountain On The Possibility And Desirability Of Peace
717KB ∙ PDF file

The forward to this 1967 government report says: “Lasting peace, while not theoretically impossible, is probably unattainable; even if it could be achieved it would almost certainly not be in the best interests of a stable society to achieve it”.

Getting near the end of the document, on page 65, we read: “It is uncertain, at this time, whether peace will ever be possible. It is far more questionable, by the objective standard of continued social survival rather than that of emotional pacifism, that it would be desirable even if it were demonstrably attainable. The war system, for all its subjective repugnance to important sections of "public opinion" has demonstrated its effectiveness since the beginning of recorded history; it has provided the basis for the development of many impressively durable civilizations, including that which is dominant today. It has consistently provided unambiguous social priorities. It is, on the whole, a known quantity. A viable system of peace, assuming that the great and complex questions of substitute institutions raised in this Report are both soluble and solved, would still constitute a venture into the unknown, with the inevitable risks attendant on the unforeseen, however small and however well hedged.

If that sort of crazy reasoning makes my readers think that some sort of unfeeling machine must be running our reality, then you might be ready for the below image post.

Note: I think Braden’s naivety that humans are learning (or can learn) how to live without war must take into account the government attitude that the report highlights.

Click the below image, if you dare!


If only AIX could learn as well as the AI called “Joshua” (another name for Jesus) from the 1983 movie “War Games”!!!


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