Jeff woke up past eight and headed for the bathroom.
"Where are you going?" Valerie asked. She was in bed, facing the opposite way.
"It's my day off. I'm going to the city to meet with my support group. Remember? I told you last night."
"Oh, that again."
"Yeah, that again." Jeff sneered visibly. It was a good thing Valerie was facing the other way and couldn't see his facial expression. Since the Balazons' unveiling, they did plenty of fighting and he was already late.
The members of the Xsalma Survivors Group met once a month. Many had gone through similar experiences as Jeff and considered themselves lucky to be alive. Others had been fairly mild, such as hearing strange voices and seeing ghostly images. But Jeff went for another reason besides moral support. He enjoyed meeting and talking with others who didn't trust or like Balazons. Even his daughter had been eventually brainwashed. A few days ago, Jeff had watched the newest Saturday morning cartoon, Balazon Rescue, with Stephanie in the three dimensional virtual reality TV room, or VRT for short.
Jeff still got a mild pain in his stomach sometimes when he thought about the technological advances the Balazons had initiated in only the past three years or so. He didn't have a problem with the technology itself, more so the fact they had simply given it to humans. Well, that wasn't totally true. The Balazons had set up research facilities in which they showed scientists and engineers how advancements could be perfected and expanded to be used in everyday life. But to Jeff, it sounded more like a sixth grade science experiment than actual discovery.
The cartoon show Jeff had watched with Stephanie dramatized the Balazons' invisible influence throughout history. The time was the Second World War, and the aliens were trying to decide how to stop Hitler from destroying the world. The German leader was a rare individual who'd managed to totally remove his conscience-bubble on his own. From behind the scenes, Khur-ak decided to try to bring the military might of America into the war by subliminally suggesting to the Japanese ruler to attack Pearl Harbor. It was supposed to be an educational program for kids, but Jeff still didn't like it. He didn't believe his children should be watching as much of the VRT as they did, but it was nearly impossible to drag them away. They spent most of their free time there.
Jeff entered the washroom and the light automatically came on. He thought how good it would feel to transport back in time a few years, even for a minute or two, and enjoy the chore of hitting the switch himself. He closed the door and went over to the shower.
"Usual temperature of 100 degrees, Jeff?" the built in home computer, named Bert, asked as it sensed Jeff near the shower.
"Let's try a little higher today, one hundred and five degrees Fahrenheit." Jeff thought of the very first time the computer had asked him that. Around room temperature had sounded good. "Seventy-five degrees," he'd said, but yelped. It was too cold. He increased his original estimate by multiples of five until settling on one hundred, never again forgetting what temperature suited him.
The water came on.
Jeff had resisted getting all the new gadgets installed at first, but eventually relented. Valerie and the kids begged for them, and everybody else was doing it, and they were reasonably priced, so he figured, what the heck. Besides, he knew deep down the advances were good. His problem was with the creators. All the flurry of activity, new surprises by the Balazons, new discoveries, and endless turmoil of his changing world would never make him forget. Others enjoyed it and went with the flow, but Jeff refused.
After his shower, Jeff went downstairs to get some breakfast before heading for the city. He went to the food dispenser and verbally requested Golden Grahams cereal.
"That item is presently out of stock," Bert said. "Would you like to try another brand?"
"No," Jeff said and paused, "I want Golden Grahams. Bring up the grocery store on the other world and I'll get some."
"I know what you are trying to say, Jeff, but I don't like responding to slang. I prefer a more formal atmosphere. Please restate your request." Jeff liked the new hands free computing. One hardly had to touch a keyboard or mouse these days, with the new voice recognition capabilities and all, but some of the artificial intelligences had too much attitude for his taste. He'd much rather dictate to his word processor, a "dumb" computer, and have it dutifully translate his words into text than argue with the "smart" computers.
"Is that really necessary, Bert? If we can't get along, remember I still have one year to exchange your AI brain for another."
"I don't respond well to threats, Jeff," Bert said in a soothing voice but sounded very threatening nonetheless, reminding him that a machine could be a cold thing. He couldn't shake the feeling that his computer might turn on him someday if it ever gained the ability, despite manufacturer's claims to the contrary and no confirmed cases of such a thing to date. "I'm sure you would miss me. Aren't I efficient in every other way?"
Jeff sighed, silently agreeing. The previous household AI he'd tried, Shelley, frequently forgot his preferences, especially shower temperature, which really annoyed him. The machines were becoming more like humans than he was totally comfortable with. He realized he was going to lose this fight and complied. "Connect with Eddy's Groceries and transfer the image to the VRT room...please."
Jeff heard an electronic beep. "Program initiated. You may enter when ready."
Jeff went into the living room and closed the collapsible partition so the projection devices would have the enclosed area they needed to operate. The objects in the room disappeared, as their molecular patterns were analyzed by the VRT scanners, dematerialized, and stored in computer memory. New molecular patterns sprung forth to form Jeff's favorite grocery store around him.
He walked down the cereal isle, marveling at the illusion the VRT could project.Even though he understood his living room floor was actually rotating beneath him like a treadmill and he was really only walking in one spot in his living room, the white tiled floor of the simulated grocery store seemed as solid and stationary as the real thing. It seemed so real that he was walking down a long grocery isle, "reality" shifting around him to give the illusion of movement. He found the box of Golden Grahams, picked it up, and took it to the checkout.
The computer generated image of a woman rang up his purchase and asked, "Hand or forehead?"
Jeff held out his right hand. The lady scanned it with a world database reading device. The display on the register showed electronic funds transferring to the food store. The cost was a paltry one dollar. "Please have it transported by u-band immediately. I want to be able to eat it right away."
The lady smiled. "Certainly, sir. Have a nice day."
Food was cheap now, since shortages were a thing of the past. Food could be created easily now instead of having to grow it. All the food company needed was the molecular design, the permit to create it, and the technological know-how. The governments strictly controlled the technology and what food each company was allowed to make, since the industry's workers were still in transition to other jobs and the world needed time to absorb them. Plans were in the works, though, for all households to one day be allowed to have their own food dispensers, and then the food industry was slated to disappear altogether. For now, people still had to use grocery stores.
Jeff waited for the lady to complete the transport before he said, "Bert, end program."
"Please," Jeff added, weakly giving in to Bert's insistence on formality and politeness.
The surroundings became Jeff's living room again. He went into the kitchen and ate his cereal. Jeff had to admit the VRT did have some useful purposes. He could also use it to send himself on exotic vacations, moon trips, and space shuttle flights, at significantly lower cost than the real thing, but the price gap closed daily.
The Balazons were introducing replication technology into all raw manufacturing sectors, such as steel and lumber. Hardly any resources had to be mined from the earth these days, just seemingly created out of thin air. Companies still had to assemble products themselves, but Jeff could imagine the day not far off when he would simply feed specifications into a computer and create his own private mini space shuttle at probably the same cost today of a fake VRT experience of the same thing.
Jeff finished breakfast quickly and headed for the door. He saw a Balazon candy bar wrapper on the floor and cursed as he picked it up, went back into the kitchen, and threw it into the garbage disposal. The wrapper dematerialized and went into the magical realm of waste storage. He could retrieve it up until the time he pushed the button that transported it into deep space.
By now, people were so comfortable with the Balazons they were on every street corner, in every place of business, and most homes. There was nowhere left to run, nowhere to escape the most popular creatures on earth. Companies marketed Balazon dolls, posters, board games, and potato chips; others made comic books for children and Balazon Weekly magazine for adults. They appeared frequently on talk shows, book of the week specials, and did private appearances.
Jeff shook his head with disgust. He looked at the round, white clock hanging on the wall. Eight-thirty. He'd better get going. It took an hour to get to the City of Newellen and another fifteen to the old McLeran Baptist church, where today's meeting was to be held. It didn't start until half past ten, but he was supposed to meet Brad privately beforehand about some new secret information. He'd been trying to find solid incriminatory evidence against the aliens for a long time, but the Balazons covered their tracks too well. This was the best lead he'd ever had.
Jeff headed for the door, endeavoring to keep his head up, lest he be tempted to waste time if any more Balazon paraphernalia lay around. Once outside, he noticed the next door neighbor entering his Toyota Corolla. His smile communicated, "Good morning, what a wonderful day, aren't the Balazons wonderful?" He had commented so to Jeff too many times before. Jeff smiled back, not wanting to appear rude, but didn't say anything.
He got behind the wheel of his Prelude and took off, thinking he would never get used to its quickness and quietness since the conversion of gasoline engines to more efficient and environmentally cleaner electric motors. Energy stations selling power packs had replaced gas stations. There were also rumors circulating about u-band travel for humans. That was going too far! There was no way Jeff was going to be dematerialized and shot through space to some other destination. He had to draw the line somewhere.
Jeff connected onto highway thirty-three. He grimaced at the huge billboard outside Star City. The smiling face of Khur-ak advertised the Balazons' slogan--one world, one people. The Balazons had managed to politically unify the world under ten general regions, zone one comprising the United States, Canada, and Mexico, and also known as the North American zone. Each country still had their own elected leaders, who were subject to the elected zone leader, who in turn answered directly to Khur-ak. It was a more limited form of self-governing democracy that Americans slowly adjusted to over time. Jeff saw it more as a veneer of respectability to cover the aliens' controlling ways, even though Khur-ak claimed full awareness of the fine line he needed to walk to prevent a post-unveiling rebellion such as had occurred on other worlds, often promoting the aliens' second favorite slogan--we need your help to help you.
Jeff was not much of a political man, so could only remember the other zones that really interested him most, such as zone five, the European Union, now renamed the United States of Europe. Jeff had always had a fascination with European history, and it awed him that the continent was able to come together, albeit with alien interference, to form a unified core that now surpassed the United States in productivity and GDP. The biggest unifying factor had been enabling a common language in the "Reverse Babel Project", a voluntary project that most Europeans eagerly embraced.
The name was in reference to the Biblical Tower of Babel story, a time in ancient history when man had been unified under a common language, and the Bible records how "God" had scattered the people by creating many different languages. Khur-ak explained that the Balazons had confused man's languages in order to prevent humans working together too much and progressing faster technologically than mankind was mature enough to handle. But now all willing people could have this effect reversed by allowing the Balazons to once again modify the language center of one's brain to instantly understand Balazonese, the new common world language and text.
It was still an optional procedure, in respect of some people's queasiness about letting aliens modify their brains, but Jeff would have refused to submit anyway. Everyone still understood English in the North American zone and most other parts of the world Jeff might ever visit, so he didn't think he needed it. Besides, if he had to travel to a foreign country, he could always rely on the technological equivalent that did the same thing, the new Universal Translator Kit, comprised of hearing aid to convert languages he heard into English, microphone to convert his speech to any other language, and special eyeglasses that recognized foreign text and projected the English equivalent onto the back of one's retina.
Jeff also knew of zone three, comprised of North Africa and the Middle East, as it was a continuing source of inspiration to him that a once volatile war region was now working together quite cooperatively. Once the Balazons helped to end terrorism and depose radical dictators worldwide, including most of the Arab states, the Muslim populations proved very reasonable people. Their deeply held religious convictions proved a strength, as once they could see and talk to their "God", they passionately embraced Khur-ak's leadership as if he were the Allah they had always worshiped. Israel just seemed relieved to finally have peace, but was surprised how the world, including Arabs, honored their place in history as the nation that the Balazons directly built to secretly bring knowledge of themselves to the world.
Jeff was glad to finally see the end to anti-Semitism, but he never forgot who inspired religious bloodshed in the first place by creating the concept of "God". Most people got angry when he pointed this out to them, defending the aliens' bad behavior by claiming they had no other choice. This reminded him too much of his cult days. In the name of salvation, he'd accepted all kinds of excuses to rationalize the leader's verbal, emotional, and physical abuse of himself. Never again. The world seemed happy to blindly follow the cult of Balazon, but Jeff refused.
Despite much visible external success, such as the worldwide economic database and world political union, Khur-ak still had a lot of work to do. Invisible boundaries--mostly nationalistic and territorial--still hindered the alien leader's progress towards a new world order. Many nations, including the U.S. and Russia, were still negotiating terms under which to surrender sovereignty of their nuclear arsenals and military machine to Khur-ak's world-state. Jeff was glad the elected leaders were being cautious in favor of protecting American interests, although some insisted it set a bad example.
Sporadic wars still broke out between nations, and Khur-ak refused to forcefully stop them, claiming he didn't want to appear dictatorial and try to rule with an iron-hand, lest the world unite against the Balazons, as had happened on other worlds before. The aliens seemed so nonchalant about people dying, and justified this attitude with the promise that the essences of the dead would continue and be reborn in the exultation stage, but to Jeff this sounded like more cultic rationalizations to justify a form of abuse by passivity. However, the aliens did encourage the more stable nations to go restore order themselves, which often occurred.
Jeff was jolted from his highway hypnosis when a police car flew overhead, only about 20 feet off the ground. He nervously looked at his speedometer, cruise control locked at sixty miles per hour. Since the creation of invisible bullet-proof body shields, quark radar guns, and new road-side sensors capable of distinguishing between alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, or plain Tylenol, it seemed the police had little to do but roam the sky looking for people to hassle, especially since the advent of perfect lie detectors meant officers had to spend zero time in court trying to prosecute crime. With the device, a judge usually could quickly and easily determine innocence or guilt, which greatly reduced crime, since nobody could obfuscate the truth in court.
Jeff refused to buy one of the new flying cars, as they were quite a bit more expensive than a regular vehicle, and the special license one needed to operate them required re-certification every three years. A cheaper alternative was to retro-fit normal vehicles with an anti-gravity conversion kit, but the resultant machine consumed more energy than one built properly from the manufacturer, so Jeff figured he'd end up paying about the same in end anyway. The whole thing seemed like too much hassle, so he decided to stick to the standard mode of travel he was used to.
As the patrol car grew smaller, he calmed down and turned on the radio. It was already tuned to station GRN, or Global Radio News, the radio equivalent of GNT, Global News Telecast, the two broadcast mediums solely dedicated to bringing the world new information about Balazon activities, Khur-ak's motivational speeches, and technological and world political changes. Jeff felt compelled to keep himself updated, as reality around him seemed to be constantly changing and getting faster with each day. He forced himself to spend some time everyday listening or watching these channels. A news bulletin announced that Friday, five days away, Khur-ak would give another world-wide broadcast, apparently unique in that it would signal the beginning of something wonderful beyond comprehension. Jeff was sure his family would be thrilled, but he felt a gnawing pain in his abdomen as his stomach started to churn. Something wasn't right.
He put it out of his mind as he navigated the outskirts of Newellen. They wouldn't be meeting at Sue's place anymore, all future meetings to be held at the Baptist church. Brad had given him the address, but this was the first time Jeff had tried to find it.
Churches hadn't held any worshipers in a long time. Eventually, after considering the evidence, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Christians, and most other faiths abandoned their beliefs and simply cooperated together as humans. Khur-ak may still have his difficulties uniting a stubborn race, but at least one of the biggest excuses for war and hatred was gone: religion.
Lately though, some fanatical religious groups were trying to start riots or gain followers by insisting the Balazons were the devil and his demons deceiving the world. Since the unveiling, some religious holdouts had always proclaimed the demonic origin of the Balazons, but the groups seemed to be growing in number and influence lately. Random evangelistic campaigns were popping up everywhere, but if the proselytizing didn't produce enough converts, the fanatics would shoot everybody and take off, claiming all who didn't believe in God must die. Almost daily, the media reported ugly news of their barbaric attacks, and warned people to flee from any such preaching venture and immediately report their whereabouts to the police. The fanatics were constantly changing locations.
Other opposition groups were more secular, such as the Earth Freedom Party, or EFP for short. The EFP was an underground terrorist organization that committed random acts of violence in hopes of coercing the Balazons to leave, as they simply hated alien interference in human affairs and did not trust their leadership. Jeff could relate to the frustrations of this group, as he was also convinced the aliens were up to no good, but Jeff wasn't prepared to step into cult territory again by believing in supernatural things like demons. He was much more rational these days.
Jeff eventually found the building and walked up the front steps, feeling a sort of reverential awe despite himself. God may not be real, but the building still affected him. Once inside, he went up the steps left of the sanctuary, now used for theater productions, and turned to the first door on his right.
He found Brad Stockwell in a chair by the window. Brad became startled and jumped. "Oh, it's only you." He gave Jeff a solemn look. "I think you'd better sit down."
Jeff pulled a gray plastic chair over to Brad. "Go on. What did you find out?"
Brad shrugged. "Not much. Not much hard evidence anyway. But if my intuition could convict them, the Balazons would be in jail by now."
Jeff yawned inside. He'd heard the paranoia before. He wanted something real this time, but understood why Brad hardly ventured out anymore, except to go to survivors' meetings. Compared to what he'd had gone through, Xsalma had merely said, "Boo," to Jeff.
Xsalma's followers had physically appeared to Brad and said, "If aliens unveil themselves and say there is no God, don't believe it. We are God's messengers sent to prove to you there is a hell." The aliens then ripped Brad's essence out of his body and dragged him into the ground. He remembered feeling a cool sensation as they passed through solid earth, which slowly became warmer. Suddenly, he saw the brilliant yellow-orange of the earth's molten core and thousands of souls bobbing about in it, screaming in agony, chained inside the tumultuous fire so they couldn't escape.
They chained Brad as well, but he remembered only feeling slightly warm. It didn't seem too bad.
"Now feel the full fury of the flames of hell," the Balazons said, and searing pain exploded his body. He screamed in agony and begged to be let loose, but the Balazons disappeared. Brad said he could sense he was still somehow connected to his physical body but felt its life slipping away, his pain diminishing proportionately to his nearness to death. He was fading into nothingness and wanted it to happen quickly.
The next thing he remembered was being in his apartment and a middle aged man was slapping him in the face. The man apologized for not helping sooner but said he couldn't; he didn't offer any further explanations but simply walked through Brad's closed front door and disappeared.
Ever since then, Brad lived in stark fear about everything concerning the Balazons.
"Give me specifics," Jeff said. "What did you find out?"
"I talked to a friend of mine in Washington who was directly involved in coordinating Khur-ak's unveiling to the public. He had firmly believed in them."
"Yes, go on," Jeff said, feeling impatient. Brad had worked for the CIA before his Xsalma incident traumatized him so much he retired early and moved to Newellen. At first, Jeff thought the man must be somebody important because he always claimed the aliens were stalking him. Later, when Jeff realized Brad wasn't quite all there mentally, he was cautious what he believed of Mr. Stockwell's myriad of stories.
However, given Brad's credible sources and connections, Jeff would gladly embrace any solid evidence Brad could produce to prove the aliens' evil ulterior motives, not just paranoid delusions but actual evidence this time. Without something solid, the world would stubbornly choose to remain blind, just as the followers in the cult had done. Jeff remembered how after he had escaped the mind control of his cult, he had gone back and tried to convince the other followers of the leader's evil nature, but they refused to see. Simple logic, reason, and common sense had no effect, as Jeff had tried to convince people that the psychological and physical abuse the leader slowly but inevitably unleashed on all of his followers was wrong.
The leader always seemed to have a way to spin the scriptures and one's mind to "prove" that everything he did was actually a loving thing, at least to his followers. He had a charismatic personality, and a magnetic aura about him of hypnotizing and supernatural quality. Khur-ak was no different. The alien leader spun the Bible, evolutionary dogma, and love talk pretty good too, and had undeniable power to back him up. But no matter how much the Balazons would spin everything they had done in history as a loving thing, and no matter how many good things the aliens did now, Jeff judged the Balazons untrustworthy, and would never forgive their history of lying, terrorism, and murder. It was just too cultic for him, but he knew he needed hard evidence to have any hope of convincing others.
If he could have gone back to the cult followers with evidence that the leader was running a hidden child sex ring or some similar thing, maybe people would have been shocked awake, but the leader had been much more subtle than that. He eventually hid his evil right out in the open and rationalized and justified it with masterful spins of scripture and the concept of love, not much different than what the Balazons were doing. If only Brad had evidence of secret wrongdoings by the aliens, Jeff planned to take it to his friend, Brian Ferster, and then let Brian use his investigative VRT program to expose the truth about the Balazons to the world. It had to be an exposé on some hidden evil though, since the world had already excused the blatant wrongdoings of the aliens to date. Brian had been brainwashed too by the Balazons but was always chasing ratings. Jeff was sure he'd air any real evidence, for fame and fortune if for no other reason.
"My friend had something so secret to tell me that if he was caught talking about it, they might kill him. Many who found out about it and opposed them have already disappeared."
"Yes. Yes. What is it?" Jeff leaned forward in his chair.
"He couldn't reveal much over the phone. He said it had to do with a special VRT broadcast, deception at the highest levels, and a conspiracy to eliminate all who found out the truth. He also said to be at this address at eight o'clock tonight to learn more."
Brad handed Jeff a slip of paper with an address on it.
"He was supposed to fly down and meet me, but his plane crashed," Brad said.
Oh great, Jeff thought. Another lead dried up. "How did it happen?"
"The official story is the EFP was responsible," Brad said. "But I think they killed everybody just to keep him from talking to me."
"Who killed him? The government?"
"No, the Balazons. Don't you get it, Jeff? Nobody really knows how dangerous they are, but I do. They follow me wherever I go. Even as I left my house this morning..."
Another typical paranoid tirade. Jeff drifted off.
Author's parable explanation(s)
Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum (WEF) have promised the world that ALL of us will “own nothing by 2030 and we will be happy about this!” Incredibly, many people still have NO idea of what on earth is happening and are NOT concerned. My older sisters are good examples, thinking I am a crazy conspiracy theorist, refusing to hear anything I say. One sister even called the police on me, opened a psychiatric case at the hospital and tried to have me forcefully confined, for questioning the government propaganda regarding covid and pointing out the establishment’s intentional worldwide genocide operation, in full swing now. From her point of view, I was obviously crazy. Needless to say, I don’t talk to her anymore. This attitude is still prevalent among the masses and will only lead to:
For those who have NO idea of the dystopian agenda being pushed worldwide, I post the below video summary.
This chapter 9 explanation jumps ahead about 3 years and shows the vast technological advances in that short time, spurred by the aliens basically giving mankind these secrets, which the quick rollout of chatgpt and soon a talking chatgpt (so I heard) mirrors the start of this phase in our real so-called “reality”. The colluding governments of the world are secretly decades ahead, if not more, of technology that they release to the public; they are rolling this stuff out fast now, to keep us off guard, distracted, and dazzled, one tactic among many to prevent us from seeing the big picture.
Again, as said in previous chapters, the human “authorities” in our world (government, scientists, even the human created AI to takeover the world etc…) are represented by the “alien authorities” in my novel, and just like the aliens dazzle the characters with tech, so too human controllers are moving quickly to dazzle us with AI, Facebook’s virtual reality metaverse soon, etc…
My subconscious mind called FB’s metaverse the VRT (virtual reality television) decades before my conscious mind could have conceived such things becoming reality in my lifetime. This link has Klaus Schwab’s own “predictions” for 2030 from his own World Economic Forum (WEF) website (means the controllers are manipulating world conditions to try to make these predictions happen, in case you didn’t know).
Along with good technology, also comes bad stuff they throw at us. The below WEF video is a credible “threat” (ie “prediction”) that the globalist controllers have both the will & capacity to make happen. Since covid was a fake pandemic, logically, this “prediction” is also something they will create too. Problem-reaction-solution. Create the problem, let a chaos reaction happen, then suffering people are more beaten down and less likely to resist their “solution”, which always takes away more freedoms and gives more slavery.
Their 2003 Slammer/Sapphire worm was a test run. These guys plan decades in advance and play the long game. They predicatively program you ahead of time with what the plan is, to subconsciously condition your mind to acquiesce with less resistance when it happens, as your mind is already sort of prepared. To contain the so-called threat, they will, and I quote, “The only way to stop the exponential propagation of a COVID-like cyber threat is to fully disconnect the millions of vulnerable devices from one another and from the internet.” Translation: they will coordinate a worldwide internet shutdown, like they coordinated the fake covid plandemic, claim it was a cyber attack, and watch while the chaos unfolds. They don’t even need to create an actual computer virus, as the covid virus doesn’t exist either, and yet they were able to coordinate that fakery. They just roll out some experts to claim it was a cyber-attack, insist they are right, censor everybody who points out contradictions/inconsistencies, and watch the gullible masses believe their shit!
When the internet comes back up, you will be required to have a special license to access the internet again, special security software to keep you safe (ie tracking and spying device on your devices and everything you do), elimination of anonymity (even with online banking), etc, etc … and you might only be able to access with virtual reality helmet to further program your mind more directly than TV audiovisual waves many feet away can accomplish, etc, etc… no doubt you will also be required to be vaccinated regularly to keep us all safe from you coughing on your keyboard and it infecting the world. I’m not sure how keyboard goo can transmit worldwide, but nobody really thinks these days. Some government “expert” will say keyboard transmission is a factual way to spread organic viruses, and to “keep us all safe” everybody must be vaccinated, and they will ignore, deny, gaslight any contrary opinions, just like they did with the fake virus plandemic.
Here’s Schwab reiterating the threat personally. He “predicts” a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, and our entire society as a whole. Indeed, the fake virus would seem like a small disturbance in comparison to what they have planned. But we can defeat the Red Barron!
Back to story interpretations. Jeff has had ongoing challenges and struggles with his family, who accept the aliens fully at this point, but Jeff does not. This represents the ongoing challenges of the awake/awakening, in a continual process of struggle to stay awake themselves, and to somehow help others to wake up too. Reminds me of Freddy Krueger in “Nightmare on Elm Street”, who could kill Nancy in a nightmare, so she tried to stay awake, but inevitably, one must sleep.
Jeff is coping by attending monthly “Xsalma Survivors Group” meetings, showing how during this time of revealing what on earth is happening, we find others of like mind and get some support, as I have found other “family” freedom groups in my city. Most in the story buy the alien narratives, adopt the rapid technological advances and love it, while smaller groups like Jeff and Brad resist, similar to how I predict most in real life will continue to buy the government narratives, adopt chatgpt and metaverse virtual reality and love it, while smaller groups of truthers will realize the dangers and resist.
As I write, the year is 2023, and this 3 year jump forward period in my story represents my own 3 year re-awakening (from 2020 to 2023) AND actually represents the next 7 years until 2030, as we see how far Schwab and his ilk are able to dupe and push mankind into their own destruction. Why does 3 also equal 7?
Three is the number of judgment in the Bible, as Christ said, “For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth (Matthew 12:40, KJV).” Jonah went through a process of judgment and change within the whale’s belly, due to refusing to heed God’s message to him. I’ve had a similar “3” judgment (in my case about 3 years), and I’ve gotten back to my writing mission(s), although it is discouraging that very few seem to get it.
Jonah eventually completed his mission, as Christ completed His mission by rising from the dead after 3 days. We all sort of refuse our mission at first and struggle out of the whale of death to eventually do it.
Although I still believe in miracles, I am not so literal about the Bible these days. I interpret the Bible in esoteric ways, as it was meant to be, instead of institutionalized exoteric ways, just to conform to group-think, which is typically slave-herd-mentality that has only led to the disaster of what on earth is happening. Jason Breshears from Archaix is similar to me, in that he used to take the Bible in literal exoteric ways and fight about it. His information and research helped me to see how the Bible was mostly put together for political control and manipulation reasons, although if one learns to separate fact from fiction and interpret it in esoteric inward ways (in your own heart), there can still be some spiritual wisdom there, just like any ancient religious text.
Also, Is Was and Will be helped me see many incredible ways to interpret the Bible that most have never considered. I associated with the group briefly, but they were still too controlling/dogmatic themselves about their doctrines and unable to accept good questions and disagreements, so I did not last long there.
Some time after leaving that group, I discovered Mandela effect Bible changes and tried to discuss Mandela effect with one of the leaders of Is Was and Will be, but he simply could NOT see it, or accept it, despite TONS of evidence for Mandela effect, not only in the Bible but tons of other real life examples. So, that proves, in my mind, that flexible open-mindedness is always necessary or supernatural deception will eventually overtake any mind, because this person was intelligent in other ways, but had blinders on about Mandela effect. Claimed to believe in the supernatural stuff in the Bible, yet supernatural Mandela effect was nonsense. Yeah, right. Can you say cognitive dissonance?
The youtuber Bible changes lady also kicked me off her channel quickly, because I didn’t agree that the traditional Christian concept of trinity is valid, and tried to explain with scripture, but she immediately branded me a deceived devil and kicked me off her youtube. Just goes to show how someone can see some of the truth, but get arrogant and controlling around it, and want to dismiss/gaslight/attack those who continue to grow into deeper truths.
She has good memory regarding Mandela Bible changes, so I sometimes watch her youtube for that information, while ignoring her overly religious nonsense and deceptions regarding much of her doctrines. The below is a good example of one of her videos about BOTH Mandela Bible changes AND changes in the Bible that mention aliens and alien themes now:
So, these days, I hear and gather truth from various sources, sometimes engage with people’s errors (as we all have them), but if they can’t handle it (and most have such an ego they simply can’t), I move on quickly. Regarding Mandela Effect changes, I also have a special section where I post Gnostic scholar John Lamb Lash’s deep dive decode of the Mandela Effect. I highly suggest people check it out.
We ALL need to rise from the death of ignorance and stupidity and realize what on earth is happening and do our mission part to stop it, if we can at this late stage of the endgame. So, I predict the next 7 years will be a time of judgment for the world, in the whale’s belly, so to speak, to wake up those who can be woken up.
In the Bible, seven is also the number of completion and/or perfection, meaning as things unfold over the next 7 years, the “perfect” number of people that can be woken up about what on earth is happening WILL be woken up.
We’ll definitely need some divine assistance to reverse course. Most just want to wait and see if the iceberg approaching the Titanic is really such a big deal, with plans to maybe shuffle chairs around the deck, if a worse case scenario happens. We actually need the captain of the boat and his officers to change course. So far, not many are listening.
Until inward female divinity (Sophia), and inward male divinity (Christos) dynamics unite within the hearts of truth seekers around the world, I suspect millions of Bravehearts will meet similar fate to William Wallace in the movie, after Wallace gathered the troops for his failed rebellion.
For a little song inspiration, replace the word Lord with Lordess, and God with Goddess, and Christ with Christos, and reimagine the meaning of Jackson’s words below, as referring to Sophia primarily, with Christos in the background.
Note: Gnostic scholar John Lamb Lash (JLL) is admittedly very much against ANY Biblical allusions (hates Judaic views period), so even the Aeon Christos (Sophia’s male partner) had to be renamed to Thelete in his books and talks.
The older video below at about the 10 minute spot is where JLL admits Sophia and Christos are like the cosmic “parents” of humanity, but JLL subsequently has changed Christos to be Thelete.
Now, back to my story explanations. :-) I start revealing the future technology that the aliens bring, basically just giving it to mankind. Similarly, non-human entities are working with human (or human looking) authorities and simply giving us technology, but remember, as I explained in previous chapters, the current “alien interference” is coming from their human minions. This is for plausible deniability reasons.
Whether or not you believe David Icke’s books asserting that literal reptilians masquerading as humans hold most positions of political power in the world, the human controllers are certainly acting like reptiles to ignore the plethora of data regarding the intentional deadly abilities built into the vaccines.
Whether or not my fictional story about open contact will come true literally, I am not certain anymore. At the time I wrote it, that was my prevalent belief. But I have learned how to symbolically interpret my own work, and this future is already here, in parable/metaphor form. I even show in further chapters how humans voluntarily merge with the alien consciousnesses, representing voluntarily merging our consciousnesses within AI virtual reality helmets. Such technology has vastly greater ability to control our minds than regular TV, essentially creating the very future AI of our destruction, in retro-causality fashion.
I took an online Simulation Theory class from expert computer instructor Rizwan Virk. I had previously read his books on simulation theory (which I recommend) and the below video was my final presentation. Please forgive any sloppy presentation mishaps, as it was my first such video. :-) I discerned a hidden message in a Star Trek Voyager episode, so used that as a primer to my presentation.
The clickable links from the above presentation are available in Libre version HERE and also Microsoft PowerPoint version HERE.
In addition to what I said in the above video, I would also like to add: the aliens in the Voyager episode entered the simulated world as necessary for survival. Their own fears manifested the AI Clown and his minions, representing the devil and his demons, but the aliens in this story also represent angels, who created the devil and his demons, through some sort of negative/fearful situation over their very survival.
This possibility is hinted at in the classic angelic rebellion war story, because before humans ever existed, the Bible describes the tree of the knowledge of BOTH good & evil as already existing in the garden of Eden. Hence, the battle between good and evil was extant before humans existed. This rebellion story is re-told, with a little more depth, from the female perspective with the Gnostic Aeon Sophia and her Fallen Goddess Scenario (FGS, as John Lamb Lash says, but I say it also stands for Fear, Guilt, Shame scenario).
The Klingon B'elanna Torres and Ensign Kim, as aliens of a different type, representing a similar and yet different kind of being, were also drawn into the conflict (ie we humans, the aliens of a different type, were somehow drawn into the conflict).
Torres and Kim were on a fact-finding mission of mercy to find out what was going on and help the aliens, who were in stasis in the real world but trapped in the simulation. Once having entered into the simulation, Torres and Kim were for all intents and purposes THE SAME as angels and demons, both prisoners and hostages in a simulated reality & simulated conflict. The message is: we humans were created to help rescue the hostages and end the conflict.
Humans live similar thoughts, feelings, actions, as parable characters in a cosmic drama of rebellion and reconciliation. Humans are made to feel the Fallen Goddess Scenario (FGS, as John Lamb Lash says, but again, I also say FGS = Fear, guilt, shame, scenario, I say) of angels and demons. However, at best, our “crime” is similar to Sophia’s, caring too much and being moved by love and good intentions/motivations to intervene in a creation experiment that she wanted/needed to succeed, as her creation(s) called the human race & human beings are like her children.
But we are more like Mr. Spock, in such regards, and Sophia is like Captain Kirk. See parable below for explanation of that.
Sophia and Christos and their errant-elect children are in mental telepathic communication about all these things and the options. As we true humans wake up and spiritually evolve, we identify less and less with the carnal-ego-mind-soul-identity complex, and we realize that we are prisoners in a simulated reality. We are also hostages. Captain Janeway is the strong female leader (ie Sophia) who eventually rescues us.
Janeway does this as we experience the FGS, in our own way, and evolve through no longer identifying with or having pity on demons, who must be destroyed. We can do this as we come to realize who we really are: infinite awareness/consciousness, all that is-was-will-be-or-ever-can-be, having a temporary and temporal experience.
We evolve from prisoner, through hostage, and eventually identify with Janeway (ie divine Sophia) and become One with Sophia and Christos, our own personal trinity. Like Janeway, we develop “faith” to overcome the fear of death by realizing our consciousness is not even in the simulated reality, similar to the Janeway’s avatar had nothing to fear. She could shutdown with the Clown and only the Clown admitted to fearing in the end. Janeway (ie we true “Sophia processed” humans) simply wake up in the real world, once we overcome the fear of death in the simulated world.
Aside from Sophia mythos & angelic rebellion mythos, another credible counter narrative to explain ancient historical accounts/records about seemingly supernatural entities in our past, is from Jason Breshears’, whose extensive research indicates mankind has been technologically advanced in the past, reset to primitive stages by regular worldwide cataclysms, and the human controllers know about these predictable cataclysm cycles and escape underground before they hit.
Jason believes there are NO aliens from the sky in our contained Dyson sphere reality, but the so-called elite want us to think so, as it serves their agendas. The mainstream sure pushes “ancient alien gods” in movies, TV shows like Star Trek, etc… so that immediately makes me suspicious these days, because the establishment specializes in subliminal subconscious programming of false narratives in multitudinous ways.
The worldwide cataclysm resets ARE, I suspect, an odd way the Originator-Creator-Overoul shows mercy towards us all. Believe it or not, it is better the world be reset back to neolithic ages than go forward into the kind of worldwide technocratic occultocracy that would enslave the world in unrestrained brutality beyond any “human only” run worldwide Coviet Union could ever do. How long could the Soviet Union have lasted with today’s surveillance tech?
I lean towards Jason’s archaix theory these days, simply because of so much propaganda about evolution and aliens in the movies, etc…. when the establishment pushes something, I’ve learned the truth is the exact opposite and I research in this opposite direction.
Jason’s extensive research is unique. Books from many different authors support Jason’s take, and his collated evidence(s), have been heavily censored over the last hundred years or so; Jason only rediscovered this information in the Texas prison system, in old hardcopy books, which were forgotten.
Unless you know where to look on the internet, you will not find the books Jason has read, and even these digital copies are being removed. That alone says something. Jason is also a Simulationist, similar to my understanding, and my take on his AND John Lamb Lash’s information is detailed below, in my most popular parable to date.
As an aside, in 1993, I registered copyright on “The Unveiling: the story of open contact”. So, I have been dealing with the implications of this phenomenon for quite some time, and I’d say the story was pretty much complete by 1995. I did lots of editing/rewriting in subsequent years, but the basic gist of the story has not changed since then. I have not deviated from any major themes or plot narratives or tech revelations, just tightened up the writing and added some things. I say this to highlight that I now understand my subconscious mind was trying to give a prescient warning to the world, in the only way I knew how at the time, in a fictional story.
Alas, the world still does not seem to understand or care, and my subsequent reawakening in 2020 and re-engagement with my work, with deeper revelations, seems to NOT be making any difference. Nonetheless, I feel privileged to be alive to see it come to pass and to have come to understand myself better.
I created ALL of my websites, with the exception of Origins, since about the beginning of 2022, but origins was in pretty bad shape until about the end of 2021. As crazy as this may sound, I have come to understand that I AM the One creating our reality! I’ll let you process that one for a minute……the below video might help shed light on what I mean.
Well, back to explanations. Sorry for my rants, but that is part of the creative process. I have also come to understand that I AM not alone in creating this simulated “reality” and certain other key individuals are contributing, whether they know it or not. The elite have no idea of who they’re fucking with.
And among some of these key individuals driving this reality, I count the following list:
Of course, I do not mean we are consciously giving orders to secret societies, intelligence officials, governments around the world, militaries, etc… The so-called “elite” think they are in control, but the subconscious minds of the errants, as Jason Breshears likes to call us, are the true ones in control of earth-reality. There are others that I don’t know about, but I suspect fewer than 1000 in total, for various reasons.
But, will the clans of errants around the world unite? Are you William Wallace or Robert the Bruce? Wallace cannot do it alone, and neither can the Bruce.
Until Captain Sophiachristos, aka Denise, is on good terms with the other 10 virgins and all 11 of them are working in unison, I suspect the real great reset, due in 2040 if Jason is correct, will cataclysm the world again and reset the simulation back to the Adam & Eve simulation.
The only other option would be for Originator-Creator-Oversoul to let the controllers take overt brutal control of the entire world, in a worldwide Coviet Union. They already have covert control and seem to be moving towards the Coviet Union.
However, I believe the “elite” know Jason’s predicted worldwide cataclysm reset in 2040 (the real reset) will happen UNLESS all 11 virgins are working in unison, through mental telepathic connection. It is a mercy that Originator-Creator-Oversoul will let the entire simulation reset for another 7000 years, rather than let a technocratic Coviet Union rule the world for perhaps tens of thousands of years, before the Coviet Union might fall, as the Soviet Union did. Perhaps it never would fall, and nobody really desires that kind of world, except the psychopaths currently in control.
Modern technological tracking and control mechanisms (computer chips, cell phones, internet fingerprints, satellites, digital implants coming soon, virtual reality control of the mind through AI etc….) would ensure “Joseph Stalin” will be aware of everything you think, say, and do, and there will be basically ZERO ability to rebel against the dictatorship then. Life perhaps can still find a way, as it did when the Soviet Union fell in 1991 after 70 years of tyranny, but I am not interested in living in such a reality, for obvious reasons.
I suspect Jason’s predicted 2040 reset is the true great reset that the controllers of the world don’t want us to know about. They would rather rule in “earth-hell-reality” than serve in “earth-heaven-reality”. The original 10 virgins parable, told by Christos, implied 50% would NOT be ready when the times comes. They will be recycled (ie reincarnate), and for their sakes only, we errants will probably agree to another 7000 year Adam & Eve simulation rerun because we don’t want to lose the 5 foolish virgins being held hostage. I say probably, because depending on the day and my mood, I sometimes want to accept our loses and go for all out “spiritual” nuclear war to destroy the evildoers.
Sidenote: here are some more clip details from the above Star Trek episode that I expounded on above, for interest sake, for those who are curious to know what entertainment tells us AI can do.
Now consider some more videos below about what AI is manifesting in our so-called real “reality”.
Humans CANNOT create consciousness. Human created AI will never think. I used to program computers and know computers don’t think and never will. They simply do exactly what humans program them to do.
However, that does’t mean AI will never become conscious. This technology has been around for a long time. It used to be called a Ouija board. Here are a few videos about our emerging tech from a Christian viewpoint, and then I’ll post a video from an eastern perspective.
Now the eastern perspective from computer expert, Rizwan Virk.
When I mentioned all out spiritual nuclear war just before the above videos, I am NOT talking about the psyop fomenting right now regarding Israel and Hamas, as being some sort of world war reset. That is just the prophecy mind control program they are running; that fear program will probably continue in various stages as we approach 2040, as the false man-made world destruction must proceed the true supernatural world destruction.
Many so-called “world leaders” don’t understand they are being played. Even if a physical nuclear World War 3 destroyed the surface of the earth, it would NOT destroy the entire simulation. I’m talking about an all out “spiritual” nuclear World War 3, which would destroy the entire simulation and stop the Adam & Eve simulation resets permanently; this would obviously involve direct & open battle between ALL forces, whatever you want to call them—Sophia, other Aeons, angels, demons, Archons, humans, etc…
The 5 foolish virgins would be lost, in such a scenario, but the evildoers would be gone too…eventually…after I (we) do to them what they have done to the 5, at least by a factor of 10, perhaps more, depending on my (our) rage factor. Justice must be served for everybody in the end. My desire all true errants/elect be extricated is dramatized in the parable below. See if you can see that interpretation easily.
But to wrap up, this chapter 9 of my novel ends with Brad enlightening Jeff about some intel he had about government conspiracies, censorship, and assassinations to cover-up the truth coming out. Sounds very much like the present time, from my perspective, and this pattern will continue for the next 7 years, as some continue to realize things are NOT right and get closer to truth like Jeff & Brad, while others go deeper into deception bondage, like the masses are choosing to do.
In summary, from the human point of view, I can’t say it any better than the below video:
In summary, from a David Icke point of view, I can’t say it any better than the below video:
From my own point of view, I can’t say it any better than my parable below:
There is a way to take back some digital control of our own lives. The below article helps explain:
The parable of, "It's a bird, it's a it's Qortaltechnoman to the rescue!"
In summary, the Enterprise crew exemplified the type of resistance that we need to muster against the encroaching AI-Borg assimilators called the United Nations, WEF, and other corporate collaborators.
Even if your friends/family have become “Locutus” and totally given over to mind control, I suggest just do like Riker and say, “Take your best shot Locutus because we are about to start interfering”……and then he did his best to destroy his former captain.