Hello once again, this is JLL coming at you with Gnostic Intel on the Internet. I'm recording on the 15th of May 2017. This is installment 39 in Mandela Effect Decoded. The title is “Anomalies in the Divine Experiment on Earth”.
Those of you who may be dropping in on these talks randomly might not be familiar with the way I use this expression, divine experiment. And those of you who have followed it from the beginning, who will understand it more deeply, will benefit, I think, from having me restate from time to time the intention of that particular expression, it's not a metaphor, it's not a poetic expression, divine experiment, it's a literal description of the life of humanity on the planet earth. How did I come up with this notion of a divine experiment, which which obviously rings as a metaphor in the minds of many people when they first encounter it.
But how did I come up with such a notion, and how did I determine that it was an applicable concept for describing the world in which we live according to the vision of the Gnostics who were the founders and directors of the ancient mystery schools.
Well, you might as well yourself have come up with a similar conception. I can't say that there is an exact phrase anywhere in the existing Coptic Greek texts that corresponds to the term divine experiment in English, but in fact the determination to use that term is simply a result of common sense.
The Gnostic cosmological picture, the big picture, must always be brought to your mind with a vision of the galaxy before your eyes. Now, it's a fact that astronomical science, conventional astronomical science, prior to the work of Edwin Hubble in the 1930s, did not encompass the notion that the solar system is located in one arm of a spiral galaxy which is floating in boundless space, an island universe surrounded by uncountable other galaxies.
It must be said, it must be noted, and it is rather remarkable, and I can't say that I myself entirely understand how this could have been the case, but it must be said that when you can go to the internet and pull up a picture of a galaxy such as the Andromeda Galaxy which is the most studied celestial object in the universe, by the way the most studied object in interstellar space and intergalactic space is M31 the Andromeda Galaxy.
So you can find what are presumed to be or alleged to be hundreds of photos of the Andromeda galaxy. Of course there's no photo of our galaxy because we're in the galaxy and apparently it can't be photographed from outside unless there was a space probe that would go outside the galaxy. But the shape and form of our galaxy are presumed by what?
Well, by various measurements coming from different kinds of instruments. Radio wavelength instruments, optical instruments, and apparently since the time of Edwin Hubble, who first realized, or is the first on record to realize, that the Andromeda Galaxy was an independent island galaxy, a neighbor to our own, since that time, which is only like 70, 80 odd years, astronomical science has advanced to the point where the experts have mapped our position in the galaxy we inhabit, and that galaxy is said to resemble the Andromeda galaxy, M31, as being a lenticular spiral with four or five arms and having and being in one respect the mirror double or partner of the Andromeda galaxy in the two galaxies ours and Andromeda are said to be merged and merging, approaching each other, and they are said to share a common axis of mass. So there we go.
How did that picture come about? I'm not entirely sure how that picture came about over the last eighty or so years. But we have that picture at this moment and allowing, for the sake of exposition, that it’s not a complete fraud and not merely a CGI construction with no basis in reality, let's accept it. Let's allow that the solar system is embedded in the inner spur of the third spiral arm counting outward of a four or five armed spiral galaxy. When you look at such images, you recognize immediately the structure of a galaxy consisting of two parts, the core and the limbs. The core, the hub of the galaxy, and the spiral arms encircling the galaxy.
You can call it a pinwheel galaxy. Such galaxies always remind me of lawn sprinklers. You go look at the head of a lawn sprinkler and you'll see that, in one version anyway, it's like a disc with many holes in it. The water comes out of the holes in the form of jets, and due to the rotation of the lawn sprinkler, it forms an ever-evolving, ever-whirling spiral, which might be compared to the spiral galaxy in which we live.
By the way, I just want to mention that I know there is a presumed Mandela effect regarding where exactly the solar system is positioned, is located, within the structure of our galaxy, and I will get around to discussing that particular case sooner or later, so don't think that I am omitting or disregarding that instance.
Now, when you look at the core and the arms which form the basic structure of a galaxy, well, it suggests that there is a dynamic relationship between the core and arms. When I read the Nag Hammadi materials, I had already been steeped for many, many years in the study of astronomy.
I taught naked eye astronomy. I've taken people on tours of the night sky, taught them the constellations, showed them how to discern planets from stars, and so forth and so on. So since the age of about 15, I was deeply involved in the study of astronomy.
When I started to delve into the materials which contain Gnostic cosmology, as you might call it, I immediately connected my background in astronomy with what I was reading. I'm not the only one who's done that, by the way.
The best introduction, short introduction, to the Gnostics, which is fair to them on their own terms, comes from Jacques Le Carrièr, L-A-C-A-R-R-I-E-R, and is simply called The Gnostics.
In that book, he gives considerable attention to the fact that the Gnostics and founders of the Mystery Schools were accomplished astronomers and sky watchers. And he makes a big point of this, and I believe that the point merits highlighting. He points out that the Gnostic texts refer to an infinite or boundless number of pleromas and Le Carrier concludes, as I do, that when they spoke of a pleroma, they were referring to a galactic core, the core part of a galaxy.
And he cites the passage from the Jewish historian Josephus in The Antiquities where Josephus mentions something that was supported by other ancient sources, namely, that the children of Seth, which is the name that Gnostics attributed to themselves, were the first true experts in astronomy and in the knowledge of the stars and planets and even the most distant reaches of the universe.
So that is a fact supported by evidence. So when you return now to that vision of the galaxy in front of you, floating in black, boundless space, I believe Hubble called it an island universe, but of course you could say that each galaxy is in itself a universe if you use the small U. On the other hand, if you use the large U for universe, then that must refer to the totality of all galaxies and all that can exist. All that can and does exist is in the universe with a capital U. Therefore, there can be no parallel universe, because there is no other than that.
But, one could refer loosely to two galaxies as island universes. That was in fact the early terminology, I believe, around Hubble's time. We're talking the 1930s. And you'll see a link on the tracking page to the actual discovery, the photo that actually inspired Hubble's discovery that we are living in a galaxy able to view the neighboring galaxy, M31.
So there I am, delving into the Gnostic materials, having all of this astronomical study in the background of my mind, and when I encountered the terminology, pleroma and kenoma, to to describe the field of activity for the Aeons or generators who are the gods or divinities of the Gnostic cosmology, I didn't even have to think it out. It just occurred to me, as what you might call a common sense inference, that the pleroma, meaning the fullness or plenitude, and the kenoma, meaning the deficiency, referred to the galactic core and the galactic arms, respectively.
And the terminology that I came up with to further specify that relation, was this. In the Pleroma, which is the core of each galaxy, of which there are infinite numbers in the universe, according to Gnostic texts, in the core of the galaxy there is a dynamic concentration of infinite potential. That's in the core, the white part, the hub. There are no stars there, there are no worlds there. There is only the vortex of pure primary plasmatic power, organic light.
In the limbs of the galaxy, which spiral around the core, you do not find the same dynamic, the same properties of physics as you find in the core. Kenoma, which means deficiency, could be translated into the phrase finite potential. So there is infinite potential in the core of the galaxy and finite potential in the limbs of the galaxy.
So I went from that simple syntax into further elaboration that led to the concept of the Divine Experiment in this way. It wasn't difficult, it wasn't complicated, I didn't have to develop a lot of abstractions.
The Gnostic cosmological texts, such as “On the Origin of the World”, “The Hypostasis of the Archons”, “The Apocryphon of John”, there are about five major cosmological texts, describe activity in the Pleroma, which is the center of the galaxy. And according to that description, the Pleroma is first and foremost the habitat of the Aeons, which I translate as generators, meaning the supreme divinities, the supreme cosmic powers at the galactic level, and they are gendered into male and female forces, which you might call electric and magnetic forces, electric and magnetic fields.
So there's a male-female polarity, there's a gender binary among the Aeons. They live and circulate and operate in the core, and there is a definite boundary around the galactic core, which is called Stauros or Horos. And that makes it clear that the Gnostics considered that the center of a galaxy, the Pleroma, was like the yolk of an egg.
And the yolk of an egg, even though it's porous, has a definite boundary. Only when you prick it with a pin does the boundary leak and contents from the interior of the yellow oak leak out.
So the Pleroma is bounded and then swirling around the Pleroma are the galactic arms. This is the zone of the Kenoma, which means deficiency. Well, deficient in what sense? Deficient relative to what?
Well, the dynamic activities in the galactic limbs are deficient with respect to the activities at the core of the galaxy, thus you have the contrast between infinite potential at the core and finite potential in the galactic limbs.
The next step in the description of the divine experiment came naturally as well. Drawing upon what the texts say about the Aeons generating, conceiving an experiment in the core and then projecting it outward from the core. This is called aporia. It corresponds to the Sanskrit concept of parinama. It's a projection, an emanation process closely related to the concept of emergence in complexity theory.
So the experiments that are conceived in the core, the pleroma, are projected outward past the boundary of the pleroma into the galactic limbs where they can evolve spontaneously and more or less by chance depending on the conditions that are provided for them in the galactic arms, in the environment of the galactic arms. Well, what is the environment of the galactic arms?
Now you come to the third step on which I built my concept. The environment of the galactic arms is obviously the place where suns appear, suns are born and die, star birth, planetary systems evolve.
Planetary systems and suns do not occur in the galactic core, but they occur in a realm of finite potential. No matter if a sun may live for millions or hundreds of millions of years, it still has a finite potential compared to what is present in the core of a galaxy.
So I pictured very readily planetary worlds arising due to the swirl of material in the galactic arms, which is a denser material, the dust and the fragmentation of former worlds, and out of the dust and out of the residue of elementary matter in the galactic arms, which is swept around continually as if in a mill, as if being ground in a mill.
The mills of the gods grind slow but they grind exceeding fine. Well, this is a description of the great cosmic mill of the galaxy, and in that mill arise certain worlds, and those worlds provide the condition for the experiments that were initiated in the galactic core. And that's how I came to the notion that we are living in a divine experiment.
The habitat, the natural habitat of the planet Earth, where the human species has favorable conditions for its existence, as well as millions and millions of other species, is a planetary laboratory. It's a planetary lab. And what is happening in this lab?
Well, two things. First of all, the laboratory has its own existence. The conditions of nature in the galactic limbs, the conditions of the arising and dissolving of worlds, are particular. It's quite possible that each different galaxy provides very different kinds of world systems. Okay?
What we know is that there is one world system, one planetary system, consisting of organic and inorganic planets, that arose in the galactic limbs, and that the human species finds its habitat in that setting.
But this event of life on earth, human life, does not merely arrive by chance. There is a factor of chance, there's a factor of novelty, many factors, but basically it arises due to the fact that a genome, a particular genome, was conceived in the galactic core and it was coded and endowed with certain properties and characteristics, so that once it became embedded in a planetary laboratory in the galactic arms, the creature based in that genome, the creature derived from that genome, could develop.
And the gods who conceived it in the first place could observe how it behaves. Suppose, for instance, that we were scientists in a biological laboratory who have the capacity to create an entirely new creature. Maybe, let's say, it was some kind of gerbil. It's a new gerbil, or it’s a, it's a some kind of miraculous hamster.
So we have the power to create life to create a genome not merely to meddle with one, but to create one from scratch and we create some kind of Miraculous hamster and then what do we do with this hamster?
Well, obviously the hamster doesn't appear as a hamster in the lab where we conceive it in the vials, in the petri dishes. We have to put it into an environment where it can emerge in its creaturely form as a hamster. And then we can sit back in the observation booth and watch how this hamster behaves based on the capacities that we gave it.
For instance, we might have given that hamster the ability to hum, to hum songs. So we sit back and we watch how the hamster discovers its musical ability to hum. We might have given that hamster the ability to do math. And we sit back and we watch how it discovers that it has that capacity in the first place, and furthermore, what it does with it, what it uses it for, how it comes to apply the capacity endowed in it by its creators, if you will, its designers. I prefer the word designers.
And so that is what a divine experiment looks like from the point of view of those who designed the experiment. But they are not in the experiment, because the experiment unfolds in the kenoma. It's conceived and designed, the genome of the main subject of the experiment, of the creature subject, is designed in the Pleroma, the galactic core, but it only gets a chance to emerge and evolve as a creature in some particular laboratory that provides it with the right conditions for its development.
So that in total is the total picture of a divine experiment. That is how I came to that concept and now you know that I'm not speaking just metaphorically. You might take it as a metaphor, go ahead if you wish, but I mean literally we are living in a divine experiment and that's just the start of what there is to learn from Gnostic Intel and the Sophianic vision of life. Tack! So far, so good.
So where do we go from here? Well, the next thing, the next point is so mind-boggling that if it doesn't floor you upon the first encounter, then you're not really getting it. And I can tell you honestly that I am floored every time I look at it, every single time I am floored.
You might recall that the instance of a Mandela effect in the Sophianic materials the Greek Coptic writings occurs in one line in one proposition of imperative significance in the gospel of Philip. The world you inhabit came about through a mistake.
The world system in which you find yourself came about through an anomaly. Now, of course, we have to consider the word transgression, which has shown up in that place. So there is a really sensational example of the Mandela Effect that remains to be elucidated.
But for right now, let's just stick with the original way I translated that, which conforms to the way that most Gnostic scholars have translated it. I do understand that there is one translation, I believe it's by Marvin Meyer, M-E-Y-E-R, Meyer, which uses the word transgression. But let's just stick with mistake or anomaly.
So let me repeat this proposition. Short drum roll please. The world system you inhabit came about through an anomaly. Now how could I even make such a statement in the first place? I mean do you get what I'm indicating here? How could anyone know that it's an anomaly?
Well, you would have to know what's not an anomaly to know what is. You'd have to know how something works properly and correctly before you could know that it's not working properly.
For instance, if you drive a car and the car happens to behave in a certain way which is called revving, okay? The engine revs, so you're driving along down the road in the car and the engine revs. That is to say, it's as if you're pushing on the accelerator, it makes a vroom vroom noise while you're driving along, that noise subsides, you drive along a little further and the engine revs again.
Well, that's an anomaly, that's a mistake, that's a problem with the carburetion system. But if you didn't know how a car is supposed to operate normally and to function correctly, then you could drive down the road with the engine revving and you wouldn't know that there was a problem.
So where in the world did anyone ever get the idea or have the perspective that allowed them to make such a statement? The world system that you inhabit came about due to an anomaly. I mean you have to sit back on your heels and take a deep breath to take in that proposition. That is an astonishing statement.
Well, in the process of developing a current modern day syntax for the cosmology in the Gnostic writings, I necessarily had to consider that proposition very carefully. But I found that there were other passages in the Gnostic works that complemented that statement and that made it comprehensible. So other intel was provided so that one could understand the significance of that extraordinary claim.
For example, the sacred narrative of the Mysteries, when carefully reconstructed, shows that there are three events that occurred leading up to the current world system in which we live, which can be described as anomalies.
And all three of these are actually due to the designer of the divine experiment in which we live. They are actually due to the actions of the Aeon Sophia herself, according to the way the story goes in the sacred narrative.
So now I'm going to take you through those three anomalies. Bear in mind, as you consider the anomalies, you can also form a concept by inference again. You can also infer, well, if this was irregular, if this was an anomaly, then that must have been the regular or non-anomalous event. So you arrive at an understanding of the non-anomalous production of experiments in laboratory settings in the galactic arms by the understanding of the anomalies that are present to you active and operating in this system. That's the way you learn about the situation that you are in cosmically relative to the origins of our world and the origins of the human species itself.
So here we go. I'm going to call this the ABC to make it as simple as possible. This is a simplification that I am able to offer after some 30 or 35 years of intense concentration upon these materials, okay? So take it for what it's worth. If you can come up with something better over the weekend or even over the next five or 10 years, well, all power to you.
A signifies the first anomaly and A stands for Archons. So the first anomaly was the production of the Archons that was a mistake. That was due to a kind of transgression, that is to say a crossing of the boundary of the pleromic core. So you understand the anomaly in reference to what is the standard or routine action, if you want to call it that.
There are actually routine actions among the Aeons in the Pleroma, and one of their routine actions is not to transgress the Storos or Horos, which is the boundary of the Pleroma. They stay in the core. Sophia transgressed that boundary. She plunged or fell from the Pleromic core, and as a consequence of that, she produced the Archons.
The Archons that menace humanity, the Archons who are a vast problem within this experiment, in many ways, are the direct consequence of something Sophia herself did. You can say, if you want to put it bluntly and crudely, okay, we've got the Archons messing in our lives and it's her fault. It is in fact her fault. This is what the narrative tells us.
So take that on board and take it to heart. And while I'm on this point, I may as well repeat a particular grief of mine, a beef of mine, which is this. Those who use the term Archon, and even in some, with some reference to the Gnostic materials or the Sophia myth, who do not specify that the myth says that the Archons arose as a consequence of Sophia's precipitous action falling from the Pleroma, are misrepresenting the narrative.
And you can be sure that anyone who uses the term Archon, which I introduced on the Internet around 2002, in the Gnostic perspective, anyone who uses the word and refers to it, alleging to present to you some sort of cosmological story who does not specify that our divine mother herself produced these freaks is not to be trusted.
They are not handling the Gnostic intel correctly and that is an extremely important point. So I ask you to hold to that observation in respect for me, if for nothing else, in respect for the truth of the matter, okay?
Once again, you understand the anomaly in relation to what is routine or normal, and vice versa, you understand what is routine or normal in relation to the anomaly. You have to pick your way into the narrative, find your way into the narrative, by sort of toggling back and forth between these two concepts, rather like someone climbing a steep rock face using pitons, and putting one piton up and then dragging yourself up away, and then putting in the other piton and dragging yourself again.
You have to negotiate into the syntax of the story carefully to take its full impact into your mind. So, in the routine state of affairs among the aeons, they project experiments outside of the pleromic core, but they remain within the core, which I compare to a kind of observation booth, and I'll return to that analogy in a moment.
So there you go. Also, by the way, A of the ABC can also stand for alone or autonomy, because the Gnostic text, particularly a Valentinian exposition, makes it clear that Sophia acted on her own, unilaterally, without a consort, without pairing up with another Aeon.
Now that is not the case regarding the events that happened in the Pleromic core when Sophia designed the human genome. She did not design the human genome on her own. She designed it in consort with another Aeon called Thelete.
So Thelete is arguably, let's say, the father of the human species and Sophia is the mother. They are the co-designers. A Valentinian exposition contains the famous line that says that the Originator, who is at the source of all the Aeons, all the generators, all the galaxies, the Originator wishes that everything that comes about in the universe arises through a syzygy, that is to say a coupling or pairing.
But that is simply the preference of the Originator. It's not a law that, if violated, leads to punishment. It's simply a preference. That's all. And Sophia disregarded that preference and she acted unilaterally or autonomously. A can stand for autonomous or alone, as well as for Archon.
However, the production of the Archons in the galactic limbs is not due to the fact that she acted unilaterally, it's due to the impact of her pleromic plasmic matter upon the inferior fields of matter in the galactic limbs.
Now if you want to go and look at the episode of the Gaia Mythos, which I have linked there, then you will see a description of how Sophia's impact produced the Archons. And you will see that in order to illustrate that event, I make reference to the Mandelbrot set. Now, isn't that rather remarkable?
Let's consider for a moment three words that come to mind easily when you contemplate this word Mandel or the name Mandela. And a number of you have remarked these associations. I would call them easy fluid associations that come in the building into a mythophrenic fugue, but they are not necessarily integral components of a solid mythophrenic fugue.
The question is, well, where and how would they fit in to a fugue? Or to switch metaphors, where would they fit into the master jigsaw puzzle? Mendel, after Gregor Mendel, who is recognized as the father of genetics, following some complicated experiments he did with peas, right?
Benoit Mandelbrot, who discovered the Mandelbrot set in 1981, I believe, eighty or eighty-one. I'll get back to that in a second. And of course, the well-known term from New Age usage, mandala, a mandala, a mandela, mandala, okay? Let's just concentrate for now. All three of these terms do merge into an instructive fugue. They do indeed. Handled correctly, they can be quite revealing.
But for right now, let's just consider the remarkable correlation of the Mandel clues, the Mandel cluster, to the name Mandelbrot. You can't get any clearer than that. What is Mandelbrot? Well it’s almond bread. Mandelbrot.
So, Benoit Almond Bread discovered, famously discovered, something which is now known as the Mandelbrot Set. You'll find an image of it on the tracking page, one of many hundreds of variations, and there are numerous YouTube clips which show in motion, in kinetic form, in real time, the iteration of the Mandelbrot set.
Iteration refers to the mathematical action of feeding the result of an equation back into the same equation, over and over again. Now, if you go to the linked page on MetaHistory, which is a commentary on the Gaia Mythos, as I used to call it, you'll see that I have put an anchor directly at the point in the commentary that describes what happened when the Aeon Sophia plunged from the Pleroma.
In other words, she penetrated the boundary of the Pleroma as if penetrating an egg by a needle, or more accurately, penetrating the yolk of an egg by a jolt of electricity coming from within the egg. I don't know, is that analogy helpful?
And so it happened that the Aeon Sophia, bypassing the boundary of the Pleroma, took the form of a massive plume of plasmic, organic substance light. It is a substance, it is a substantial light. And that plume, that jet of plasma spread laterally across the galactic arms in a certain direction.
It didn't go up from the disk of the galaxy or down below. It went laterally across the arms of the galaxy. The spike or plume of plasmatic outpouring, to which you may give the name, speaking mythopoetically, although describing an actual astronomical event, on the scale of the galaxy, you may give the name the fallen goddess, the Aeon Sophia, who fell or plunged from the galactic core.
That is the central moment of the narrative that was preserved in the Mystery Schools and revered for its value to guide the human species. It is the story to guide the human species. It is the first episode in that story regarding the anomalies in the story.
Previous to that point, there were no anomalies. It was not an anomaly for the Aeon Thelete conceived as male, what I call a Zura, in the Gaia mythos, and the Aeon Sophia conceived as female, what I call a Dev, it was nothing out of the ordinary for them to design the genome of a creature who happens to be you right now, you listening, me speaking.
We are the individual specimens that derive from that genomic plasm designed in the galactic core. Business as usual, this is how divine experiments are set up in the first place. But with Sophia's departure from the Pleroma, that's where the anomalies begin and the first anomaly is A of the ABC sequence. Archons and Sophia acted alone.
So leave it at that and move on to part two of this same talk in a moment. Should be recording it this evening as well. And until I pick you up the next time, may your attention be rewarded by the truth.
I enjoyed the naked eye astronomy connecting to the "Children of Seth." My curiosity is simply the Vedic civilization seeding Sumerian civilization that in turn "seeded" the Abrahamic mythos and Egyptian ideas as well. https://www.academia.edu/31057848/Sumerian_Uruk_elite_expansion_in_Egypt
Yes I have read some esoteric ideas about Gnostic writing and some scholarly works and probably a book or two over the years. My interest lies in this area of naked eye. I think naked eye is active thought. The human eye is like a thumb.