Hello once again, this is JLL with Gnostic Intel on the Internet. It's April 25th, 2017, and I'm here to continue my elucidation of the super-cluster of clues or signals in the Mandela Effect, which I offer for your discernment and your pleasure.
Now you remember that I left off talking about the homophonic allusions, same-sounding allusions, in the instance of the Hass avocado, and how remarkable it is, although you might consider these name connections to be dubious, when you dig into the evidence, how remarkable it is that the evidence is solid, and that there are narrative and factual overlays that cannot be denied.
For example, the Haas or Hass Avocado was patented in the year that Henry Ford was on the cover of Time Magazine, as man of the year 1935, and Hitler followed three years later. So in upload 29 I said that I would discuss the Moonraker clue or signal but I was running up to 45 minutes so the investigation flows over now into talk number 30, coming up close on 32, which would be the midpoint of my entire presentation.
So, what about the Moonraker piece in the puzzle? You see that it's to the right of the piece entitled Jaws Dolly, and that it's connected with Schultz, the Haas Avocado, Arnez Naz, and leading back to Nazi Ford and VW. Now, looking at the Moonraker Clue is really entertaining and comprises a lesson in itself, a lesson in how you can exercise your probative faculty. For instance, recall what I said about a crime scene where a murder was committed in a house and parked across the street was a car that was not familiar to the people living on that street.
So suppose that you're the detective assigned to that particular piece of evidence. You have to work the evidence or follow up the leads. You know the jargon. You've heard it hundreds of times in detective films and you've read it in detective novels. It's called police procedure. So you follow up the lead, you run a check on the license plates of this suspicious car parked across from the scene of the crime. It leads you to an address, you knock on the door, you talk to the woman who lives there and she tells you with surprise that she thought her car was in the shop.
Wow. In fact she had left her car in the shop and was waiting for it to be repaired. She's very surprised to hear that it's parked on the street in another part of town. Well, she gives you the name of the mechanic at the shop where they took her car. So now you see you have a new lead. If you had considered that the owner of that mysterious vehicle might be implicated in the crime, might be a suspect, you can more or less rule out this woman as a suspect. She seems to be an innocent participant in a sequence of events, but she's not guilty of any crime. So now the focus of the investigation goes a little deeper, and you go and look for the mechanic who had her car and could have taken her car and left it parked on the street for some reason or other.
So now you have a new suspect and you have to follow out the clues. So I'm elaborating on this analogy because I really enjoy it and it shows how my mind operates. It shows how my mind operated when I did ten years of background research for Not and His Image, investigating ancient Greek, Egyptian, Coptic, Syriac, and Hebrew and Aramaic sources for the true message of the Gnostics. So I found the true message of the Gnostics by a detective process. I said at the beginning of this investigation that I invite you to exercise your probative faculty.
You recall that I also said that everyone has Toxo and that may have seemed like an excessive and exaggerated statement but I do believe it is true that the syndrome of Toxoplasmosis is evident, widely evident in the human species. The proof of that came in the PSYQ test which showed that nine out of ten, or better, of the responses were narrative fabrications with no factual basis. That is a symbol of Toxo working in the neural circuits of the human animal, that kind of negligence concerning the facts and disinterest in the facts.
But on the other hand, here's the good news. How can you overcome Toxo if you have it? Well, by exercising your probative faculty, you can overcome any latent Toxo infection that you might have. In other words, you can epigenetically overcome Toxo. There are various cures for it, like ginger tea, turmeric, and other natural remedies that will easily alleviate or eliminate Toxo. But in my view, the best way to deal with Toxo is to do what we're doing right now. The more you exercise your probative faculty, and the more you train your brain to reward you with a dopamine hit when you arrive at truth based on facts and evidence, the more you will overcome whatever latent biochemical Toxo infection you may have.
So now we're going to look at the Moonraker clue and as the saying goes, the plot thickens. You know, when the detective learns that it's not the woman who owns the car but the mechanic who is working on it who may be suspect in the crime and he goes to find that mechanic, the plot thickens. Well, the same thing happens with the Moonraker piece, the Moonraker puzzle piece.
You'll notice that the diagram for the super-cluster shows Ford pieced in to Nazi interlocked with Arnez Naz, interlocked with wolf, the Hass avocado interlocked with Schulze, which also leads to a cluster, another cluster, which is the Lucy cluster, because Lucy is a character in Peanuts. And the Jaws Dolly piece is directly interlocked to the Moonraker piece. Well, why is that? Because the Jaws scene occurs in the film Moonraker based on the novel by Ian Fleming and so what happens as you know is that there is a villain called Jaws a monstrously tall and muscular character who has a mouthful of steel and in some scene and he's working for the villain of the movie, we'll get to the plot in a minute, but in some scene he has a change of heart because he encounters this young woman named Dolly.
Now I would have you note the appearance of Dolly. She's blonde, she has a low-cut blouse, sort of in a peasant style, showing her ample bosoms, she has braids, and she has braces. And so the kick of that particular scene is that the thug villain, Jaws, smiles with his mouth full of steel at Dolly, and Dolly smiles back revealing that she has braces, and they immediately fall in love. This is cinema fantasy, of course, but it's a very memorable scene. It's engraved in the minds of many many people and you will know that even those on the internet today who tend to debunk many Mandela effects and to be skeptical of the phenomenon are nevertheless convinced or can be convinced by the absence of Dolly's braces, because when you look at the film now, at clips on the internet and presumably when you look at DVDs of Moonraker, if you have those physical objects in your possession, when Dolly smiles, her braces are missing, but there is residual evidence that she had braces and many, many people remember that she had braces.
Now, even though this removal or disappearance of Dolly’s braces only happens in film, that is to say, in a reproductive or virtual medium, and could be manipulated, nevertheless, braces are metal, aren't they? And so, this Mandala effect suggests metallic change, which puts it close to the category of the changing of the metallic ornaments of car logos. So I would consider it to be another example of solid evidence. Ok, now once again, let's proceed with our detective work.
Let's do what others who are discussing the Mandela effect never do. I don't know. It never occurs to them to do this, as far as I can tell. Let's ask, well, what's the film Moonraker about? Is it perfectly random that the Mandela instance of Dolly's braces is taken out of this film. Does the plot and message of this film have absolutely nothing to do with what's coming through the Mandela effect, if indeed there is a message coming through? Well let's go see. Like any good detective, you have to check out all the clues and some of them don't pan out, some of them are dead ends, and some of them are very productive. So if you just go on the internet, it's so easy to pursue this investigation, and look for a synopsis of the plot of the film Moonraker. And what does it say?
I quote Wikipedia, “Moonraker presents a plot to wipe out the world population and recreate humanity with a master race”. Bingo! Well, it seems to me that master race is a theme or meme that is irresistibly associated with you-know-what. Adolf Hitler, the German obsession with eugenics, the German master race ideology. Remember in talk 29 I was asking about perhaps common factors in the ideology of Adolf Hitler and Henry Ford. We'll return to that point shortly. But here you have it written loud and clear and it gets even better.
The text goes on, “once on board the station, Bond and Hawley disabled the radar jamming cloaking device resulting in the United States sending a platoon of Marines to intercept the now visible space station”. Okay, end quote. Would point out by the way that in the super-cluster there are certain clue pieces that lead actually to other larger constellations or clusters. Just as the Schultz cluster, which refers to an incident with a German, a biotrophic clue to an incident with a German at the end of World War II leads to the Lucy cluster, which is an independent constellation of puzzle pieces that deserves to be studied in its own right.
Likewise with the Moonraker puzzle piece, you see it here in the super-cluster in one constellation, but it also figures in another constellation based on the theme of the moon. You know, Moonraker is an artificial device in this James Bond film. Some people, such as David Icke, have claimed that the moon itself is an artificial device. Do you know that? And that claim is closely associated with the theme of extraterrestrials, and that theme is part of another cluster of puzzle pieces that I will get around to pretty soon, the ET Looney Tunes cluster. But for now, to continue with the plot of Moonraker, here's one short paragraph.
“Drax”, that's the villain, “plans to destroy human life by launching 50 globes containing the nerve gas into the Earth's atmosphere. Before launching them, Drax also transported several dozen genetically perfect young men and women of varying races to the space station in the shuttles. They would live there until Earth was safe again for human life, their descendants would be the seed of a new master race. Bond persuades Jaws and Dolly to switch their allegiance by getting Drax to admit that anyone not measuring up to his physical standards would be exterminated."
Well, indeed, the plot thickens, and as you sift through that evidence, isn't it obvious how much of it strongly refers to the historical narrative attributed to Hitler, the German Third Reich, and the Nazi Party. The idea of exterminating those who are not fit in order to bring forth a eugenically perfect master race is the idea that has been attributed to Adolf Hitler as his motive for perpetrating the so-called Holocaust. There you have it.
So, the background of the Moonraker puzzle piece is the plot of Moonraker, and that is an echo or parallel to the plot of history, or at least one narrative of history, I think it would be fair to say that by linking Dolly’s braces and Jaws to Moonraker, to the plot of Moonraker, linking that back to the Nazis, back to the Volkswagen, back to Adolf Hitler, I I think it would be fair to say that the theme coming through the super-cluster is a dual theme.
On the one hand, it's about master race ideology. That's the plot of Moonraker. And it's also about genocide of the unfit, elimination or extermination of those who are deemed unfit by the standards of the master race. Of course, the question remains, in the larger perspective of the crime that has been committed upon humanity in the 20th century, the question remains, well, who exactly is the master race? Did you ever ask yourself that question? Did you ever get up in the morning while you're having coffee and say, gee, I wonder who the master race is? And I might add that you could flip that question or spin that question a little bit in this way.
Well I wonder who proclaims themselves to be the master race? Who, by their own definition, is the master race? And while you're reflecting on that theme, which appears to be the domino, or outstanding theme, coming through the super-cluster, we'll look at some more of the pieces to see if they confirm that theme, by considering that, be sure to bear in mind that there are a couple of standard cautions one must observe in any detective procedure, in any procedure of police work. They are cautions against, well, false evidence for one thing, planted evidence, contaminated evidence, okay? You have to be able to have a forensic skill in looking at the evidence to see what's valid, what's false, and what's perhaps true evidence, but too contaminated to stand up in the proof process. But also, even more important are two situations that arise in the investigation of a crime that play very strongly into this investigation of the Mandela effect as well.
One of them is the role or status of the alleged suspect, the alleged suspect, that is to say someone is a suspect, a possible suspect, due to allegations. If those allegations are supported by the evidence and by the facts, then that individual becomes an actual subject, not merely supposed or alleged. And the prosecution of that criminal suspect proceeds accordingly. But as long as the suspect is still an alleged suspect, then the skillful detective withholds judgment, right? Especially in view of the second factor, which is called framing.
So, someone can be framed for a crime. They can be made to look like the suspect and by the fabrication of false evidence they can be convicted as the subject, even though the allegations against them are false. So, the same applies in the study of the narratives of history and in the study of the puzzle pieces of the Mandela effect. You are advised to be cautious about allegations and framing.
So let's step back and see where we stand at this moment. It appears that the theme of the master race is being signaled through the super-cluster. But when you hold that concept of the master race, master race ideology in your mind, and you ask the question, who is the master race? You need to be very cautious, because a skillful detective would think this way, well, I know who is alleged to be the master race. I know, I am familiar with the allegations against a certain party and indeed against a certain entire race of people, an entire nation and race, that they are the originators of master race theory and they perpetrated horrific crimes against humanity based on an agenda of master race supremacy. That's the allegation against Hitler and the German people. But is that allegation supported by the facts?
So, turns out that perhaps what I said several times in this investigation is really starting to sink in. I said that the correction of the Aeon Sophia has two aspects, didn't I? One is supernatural and that is the Mandela effect. It is a paranormal event playing out in the collective mind and in the ordinary sphere of human attention. It's not a paranormal event playing out in the shadows or in the psychic world, it's playing out in the real world of everyday life. But Sophia's correction also involves an historical event. It involves and requires the correction of the historical narrative.
Now if it's true that the Mandela effect is both the evidence and instrument of Sophia's correction, the mother of the human species trying to reach her children with a vital message, well then would it be so surprising that the message would be about history and about some particular event in history, some particular event of absolutely outstanding and imperative importance. So just float that question in your mind for a while, and let's return to our overview of the super-cluster as I complete this talk.
We trace back across the connections of the pieces from Moonraker, where the master race theme is written clearly in the plot, back to the scene of Dolly. And picture Dolly just for a minute. I don't know what Dolly looks like to you, but I can tell you that when I was about 19, I guess I must have been, maybe I was 18, I went to Dachau, one of the German camps that had been setup during the war. And I saw cremation ovens in Dachau. They were small. There was only about four of them in a room and they might have been able to hold three or four bodies each. I presumed that they were creation ovens for cremating people who died in the camps for one reason or another. I went to Dachau. I've been there. I've seen the barracks.
There were some people still living in them, by the way, and that was in 1964. And on the same day I went to Berchtesgaden in Bavaria. I took the Jennerbahn and I went up to Hitler's Eagle's Nest to stroll around. And at the end of that afternoon I went along with my friends, my American friends, who took me on this tour to a guest house, typical German tavern, that was located up at the top of the Jennerbahn, and sat there at the end of the day and picked up on the scene and I don't know, maybe had something to drink and something to eat.
And I'll never forget the sight of a German girl, she was probably my age, 18, 19, who was a waitress there. And she had on a low-cut white blouse with ruffled shoulders and a skirt and she had blonde hair and pigtails and she looked exactly like Dolly and if I were to characterize that girl upon whom I feasted my eyes way back so many years ago, I would say, and I think many of you would agree with me, that she was the absolute perfect image of a blonde, blue-eyed Aryan woman. So, here you go, once again the plot thickens.
Why is Dolly portrayed that way? Well, because it's consistent with the theme of the master race ideology. She's the kind of woman that you want to have sitting on your lap if you're into the master race scenario, right? That's what a lot of people would say. And of course a lot of people would also say that that's a pretty horrible thing you know, girls who look like that need to be exterminated because they belong to a racial and national group that has brought into the world the horror of genocide against the unfit. Well, this is a big problem. I mean, this has got to be something that troubles the human soul very deeply, this situation. And why does it do so?
Well, because it implies a radical division within the human race, and so does another closely related puzzle piece in the super-cluster. Take a look at the Jaws Dolly piece and see how it interlocks with the Jaws film piece. Now Jaws was a film, the first big success of Steven Spielberg, who did also Close Encounters of the Third Kind and E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, which are films on the E.T. theme, as well as a number of films on the Nazi versus Jew theme. And what is the Mandela effect in the film Jaws?
Well, there's a memorable scene when the monster shark first appears attacking a boat and there is a character, he's supposed to be the town constable or something, and he's supposed to be presumably a Goy or a white Caucasian person of Nordic European Caucasian descent played by a Jewish man named Roy Scheider. Now note there are three people on that boat. The character Brody, played by Roy Scheider, the character Quint, played by Robert Shaw, that's a goy playing a goy, and the character Matt Hooper, played by Jewish actor Richard Dreyfus, who was also in Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind.
Now it's a fact, well known in police work, that racial profiling is common and routine and necessary in police work. Of course, racial profiling has been labeled as unacceptable, politically incorrect, and is usually associated with racism and hatred of other races. But as a matter of fact, racial profiling is an inevitable consequence of looking at the evidence. And sometimes the evidence can cause a certain kind of cognitive dissonance in the observer.
For instance, in this scene where the line, “we're going to need a bigger boat”, has been changed, you find that who are the we? Well, the we can be considered as three characters, Brody, Quint, and Matt Hooper, all very Aryan Caucasian names, or they can be considered as the three actors who play those characters, two of whom are well-known Jewish actors, and one, Robert Shaw, who is not. So when the actor Roy Scheider says, “You’re going to need a bigger boat”. Who is he talking to? You see, this line is quite disturbing to some people who are investigating the Mandela effect.
I've noted from a couple of commentaries that I've seen that it's shocking to people to hear this line changed from we're going to need a bigger boat to you're going to need a bigger boat, because it carries a very clear message of exclusion. If Roy Scheider were to say, we're going to need a bigger boat, as goes the occluded version of the dialogue, well, that would mean, hey, we're all in the same boat here, we're all in trouble from this shark menace, and we're all together in this dilemma, in this dangerous situation, and we're all going to get out of it together.
But if he says, you're going to need a bigger boat, that asserts a strong division, a strong separation between we and you, or me and you, and it raises the question well who is you compared to who is not you when the character Brody said you're going to need a bigger boat well why would he say such a thing? He's on the boat threatened by this monster shark along with the other two people. He has no option of getting off the boat and yet he says, you, meaning you two others, are going to need a bigger boat.
This is a disturbing effect and I have seen commentaries, several commentaries, of people expressing considerable emotional distress at this change of dialogue. What I would point out, consistent with my elucidation of the super-cluster, is that the you're going to need or we're going to need a bigger boat glitch points to racial separation. It points to some kind of division in the human species, and it even points to division of the human species that arises in the face of a tremendous threat or danger represented by the monster shark.
Now it's remarkable that sharks are an example of biological mutation evidenced by the Mandela effect. I said at the beginning of my investigation in the breakdown that I was only going to treat, I think it is, nine out of fifteen categories. And one of the fifteen categories that I'll only get to at the end of this investigation is the category of animal mutations and new species. And it so happens, and I can provide the evidence, that people who are deeply interested in sharks, shark lovers, those who have made a hobby of studying the life of sharks, do not recognize the current form of sharks, because sharks are undergoing a marked and dramatic morphological mutation due to the Mandela effect. And it doesn't end there.
There happens to be another puzzle piece in the form of a meme which is going around the internet. This meme actually originated in Israel as far as I can tell. Some magazine or newspaper in Israel published an article which compared the film Jaws with the role of Jews. And so you can call this the Jaws Jews meme and it has gone viral on the internet for some years now. You can find a link to that article in the tracking page.
What I would point out is that even the commentator, who I believe is Jewish, who writes about this meme comparing a monster shark to the Jews, points out the simple fact and the well-known fact that in street jargon, someone who loans interest at a very high rate and under threat of violence if you don't repay is called a loan shark, so the shark in Jaws is a loan shark and that is compared to the behavior of Jews as those who loan money at an exorbitant rate.
Now I'm not making this up and I'm it's coming from Jewish sources themselves. It's not coming from some anti-semitic Jew hating maniacs on the internet. It's simply an observation of cultural phenomenon. So the Jews Jaws meme is a legitimate piece in the puzzle, even though it doesn't necessarily show up as a Mandela effect, it's very closely related to the film Jaws and to the theme You or Us, which is announced in that change of dialogue.
Bear in mind as well that the fundamental proposition of master race theory is you or us. Those who follow master race theory or presume themselves to be the master race make a strong decision between themselves and those who are not of that race or that elevated supremacist tribal identity. They make a strong division and hold to that division ferociously.
So you're going to need a bigger boat means that the master race faction of the human race is not going down with the rest of the human race. They have another plan, which might be called the transhumanist plan. Now transhumanism is an extension of master race ideology. Can you see that? Well is there any evidence of the transhumanist theme in the Mandela effects? Well, it's right there in the super-cluster, because you see that the puzzle piece labeled ET is contingent with the Jaws film, with the Jaws Jews meme, and most significantly, it’s contingent with the puzzle piece marked Archons.
I wouldn't be surprising anyone if I said that the theme of transhumanism that is a master race, a variation of the master race ideology, represents a separation from normal biological humanity, doesn't it? Is there a separation happening in normal biological humanity? Is there some kind of harvest taking place? Is there some kind of cellular division happening within the human race that is signaled by this constellation of clues.
Well, the ET clue interlocks with Steven Spielberg and his life work because of the films Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind and ET the Extra-Terrestrial. It also links very closely to the theme of the Archons and the Archons in turn links to other themes in the Gnostic message to humanity which I will take up in the continuing exposition of the super-cluster.
The next upload will be 31, coming up on 32, the midpoint, and until then may your attention be rewarded by the truth.
I'm sure glad I spent 18 years of my life in Australia in a quality assurance role in multiple corporations. It was tough, but I know how to find evidence and I know the hit you get from that. My retirement years have been wonderful due to the fact that I can quicky solve problems that come my way. Very interesting article.
I should have added the QA work was on IT projects. And having been a mainframe developer in the 1980s, I was damn good at keeping the peace between business and tech and finding bugs. You'd understand.